
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Stitch Along - Week 17

Hello my lovely's been one of those bestest of friends and my most "knit/crochet" worthy friend lost her father last Wednesday....she lost her mother about three years on Tuesday I was at his funeral.....this is my last picture of him...
That is Mr. Green and the leprechaun (can you tell the difference?)....he would come and tell stories to our classes every year...he would have been 90 in May...hundreds of people showed up for his wake...and the people were still telling stories and singing songs when we left from the truly was an Irish wake....and he was a wonderful man....and raised an amazing daughter that I am blessed to call my friend....

and I get home to a message that my student teacher has the flu and will be out until Monday.....I actually have to teach today!  This was her last "takeover" week.....

Reading: Four: A Divergent Collection and Ready Player OneFour is on my nook and I read it when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep...Ready Player One is in actual book form....and is very lengthy....

Projects:  Still working on my Far Side of the Moon socks....I'm at the heel...I did a short row heel, so I need to sit down and look at my notes and figure out what I did on the first one....
Also still working on my Hawk's a getting there....

There are so many others....but I've been doing well on stamping down the "cast on all the things" feelings....I need to finish at least two more items before I start something new....hear that????

hmmm...but I was asked to make a monkey...I adore monkey making....Wilkey, #2, #3, #4 and #5
and some monkey head keychains and a baby monkey a new monkey may be in the process next week...who knows????

And how about you?  Is there something you have made over and over???

Please link up ....and link back from your blog...thanks!



  1. I tend to make things to do with cats over and over...I'm not obsessed, I just like kitties :)

  2. I loved "Ready Player One". I read it on my Kindle and flew through it. Good story!

    Since learning to knit in 2006, I've repeated the same pattern only once, as far as I can remember. I was making baby blankets for twins, so using the same pattern made sense. They were different colors, though.

  3. So sorry to hear about your friend's loss, it's always so hard. He looks like a very happy man.

  4. Those monkeys do look kind of irresistible :)

  5. I've gone on monkey making binges. My two favorites are the ITV Monkey (he was in commercials on UK tv) and Doctor Monkey (made with Time Traveler self striping yarn and has a bow tie).

    My sympathies on your friend's loss.
