
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Why I Left That Facebook Group

I recently joined two Facebook groups....and have left one of them....

1.  No crochet was allowed...this gave me pause when I joined, but it should have been a red flag...

2.  You could not disagree with posts....they said this was to keep the "negativity" away...however since products were mentioned, some of us felt it would be good to know if some people had not liked that product and an informed consumer....

3.  The group was linked to the owner's business....and after awhile, it seemed as if that was all it was.....and there was an appropriate sad story to go along...and requests to purchase...I did purchase once and the product was very nice...but it got to be too much...

4.  Other group members could advertise their products on one specific day....but it seemed as if the admin could advertise whenever she felt like it.....

5.  There were a 1001 posts every was blowing up my feed....and most of the times I just scrolled through and didn't read....enough is enough....and I hate when people ask a question, but didn't read through the feed...and it was already asked....and answered....

The people all seemed very nice....but I just never felt a connection....

and the last straw....they deleted one of my I maybe had posted 5 times.....and this post was nothing was about a knitwear designer....but because it did not fit into their narrow frame of what could be was deleted.....this knitwear designer just announced she is dying...of cancer....they said it could be moved to the off topic one reads the off topic area...and before I could move it...they deleted it...

Next will be a purge of my Instagram....some people I follow are just advertisement after advertisement...or giveaway...follow me and these 5 other people (because it's a group giveaway)...and then repost and tag many friends...yadda, yadda....enough.....


  1. oohhh how sad. Sounds like one of the groups I joined that I'm not too sure about. Some people are so full of themselves. Snarky and rude. You were right to move on. Here's hoping you find a group that's more to your liking and welcoming. Wishing you all the best, Graceyisnotmyname!

  2. Yes...sadly I see groups that are created initially for one thing, but then lead to something else. I'm glad you were able to decide and make the best choice for yourself. I used to purge my groups/FB once a year, now I rarely am on so I just skip over the group. Instagram feeds my knitting needs. Take care.

  3. I hear you on the Instagram thing. Ready to just delete all of the indie yarn co.s that I follow. It gets to be too much.
