
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Stash Enhancement Saturday - the Kit Edition

So you know those two new groups I've mentioned on Facebook..Addicted to Sock Knitting and Addicted to Indie Dyers...yeah well..they have not been good for my's the latest..

April Showers Kit from Addicted to Sock Knitting.  This is the last kit she is going to do for awhile...
Lovely yarn - Cloudy with a Chance of Rainbows from Manic Pixie Dream Yarn.  A keychain, wool wash, lotion, some minis, a wristband and a huge bag!

The yarn closer up....

Then I got a kit from Knitmona/Otterly Adorable Knits - I Love Dorks
Knitmona did the yarn, Otterly Adorable Knits did the bag, and the Stitch Stache did the stitch markers...

Want to cast on immediately!!!!! 

Then I ordered some Witch Candy - Cloud Splitter
And got a couple of clubs...first up...Dizzy Color - Sunnydale..Class Protector
This may be one of my absolute favorite colorways ever...and inspired by one of my favorite episodes..
Then  I got the last month of the Boldly Go Where No Color Has Gone Before...4 mini hanks...not sure yet what I'll do with them...and I chose a bucket bag for this go round..

And my Nerd Girl yarn..Random Fandom is Moose and Squirrel (inspired by The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show) - not a fav...probably will offer this one for sale or trade...

Mad Color's next club is Baker Street....I think I'll sign up for that one too...and I know I have one more order coming from Canada.....


  1. I should be getting my Cookie A sock club soon....I hope. I've not done anything with my February shipment yet. Someday.....

    I think the problem is that I'm also designing in the midst of my two clubs coming in.

  2. What a great bunch of goodies! I hadn't seen the fabric on that cute Star Trek bag before. I've got a couple of the fabric designer's other oned (a couple of Doctor Who, Firefly, Downton Abbey).

    Your stash must be very happy.
