
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 14

I am writing this on Tuesday night and I am troubled about something I needed to do today.....

but also, I had something wonderful happen to me to day...the Gifted and Talented teacher came in search of me...he is reading Esperanza Rising with his fourth graders....and crochet is mentioned quite a bit...and it was recommended to him to seek me after spring break, I will be giving a crochet demonstration to his students....while I was talking about it...I mentioned how "passionate" I am about it...and he said, that was fantastic, because he talks to them about finding your passion in I'm pretty excited about this....I am now going to download the book to read...I think I may have a copy somewhere...but I'll just download it, as I have books here, at school, and in a storage locker.....

I have, in the past, taught an afterschool crochet class for third through fifth grade....

In other reading news...I did finish the prequel to The Lunar Chronicles, called Fairest...I didn't think it was as strong as the other books...feeling a bit rushed to me.....all of a sudden, several months or years will have gone by....feeling slightly cheated by it....

Next week is SPRING BREAK.....cannot wait...not going anywhere, but have projects to finish, books to read...and some home repairs to maybe a few day dates with the HUBS....and since my student teacher is taking over after the break for two weeks...really not much school work....

So still working on socks...almost done with this pair....sorry for the crappy's almost 11 at night here...

So how about you?  How was your week?  Where you ever required to do something that troubled you?  What is your favorite way to spend vacation time?

and I'm backup at 12:30, so I'll post this....on meds that are making me slightly sick to my stomach...



  1. What an awesome way to share your passion and craft! Yes, several times in the past few months I've had to deal with a personally troubling issue and it seems to me that it never gets easier. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yay for almost finished socks!! And how fabulous that you'll get to share your crafting in that way. :)

  3. Get them while they're young - soon they'll be asking you for crocheting lessons, I'm sure!

  4. Don't feel bad...I wrote my post in the middle of the day on Monday. I think it was Monday. My days all kind of mush together sometimes.

    With that said, more designing than knitting this week but as the pattern is almost written, I hope to get back to actual knitting. We'll see :)

  5. I hope that you were able to take care of whatever was troubling you. I find that it feels so much better once it is done.

    Yay for having those socks almost done.

  6. The troubling thing turned out instinct was good...but it'll may become something drawn out...but oh then I got accosted by a parent today..always fun....
