
Friday, May 29, 2015

Finished Friday....

Haven't done one of these in awhile...and it's very early, so not sure I'll link up with anyone....

First off my Far Side of the Moon socks...I tried the Fork in the Road pattern, but couldn't get the heel, so just went with my first short row heel...
These were looking to be my best fitting socks, but then one foot came out a tad bigger, so they are a bit saggy around the ankle....but I am improving...I wore them last weekend and are extremely comfortable...I absolutely ADORE this yarn!  It feels silky smooth and was a dream to work with!  It's Manic Pixie Dream Yarn Zooey in Dream and Delirium...I have another skein of hers and will be casting that on soon!

I also finished my Baktus....yeah, I ran out of yarn...I know you are not suppose to, as the pattern is written so you don't....oh,'ll work....

I call it my Hawk scarf, as it's the Seahawk colors....the yarn is Sunrise Fiber Co Indelible Sock...I'm seem to not have taken a finished picture....and I can't seem to find it right I'll post this one next week...

Any last....a student gifted me some yarn...just some leftover mystery I made her a turtle...
And that is it for me!!!!  It's been an exhausting week and I plan to "veg" tomorrow and craft...

So Freshly Finished Friday is I'll link there...