
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Stitch Along - Week 20

First off...I'm really, really sorry for flaking last week.....I was taking an unplanned break, but still planned on doing the link-up...however, I normally write the post on Tuesday night and post it in the morning...last Tuesday, we had wicked thunderstorms and I shut off my computer....and then when I got up the next morning, totally forgot it was Wednesday...seriously...I think I reminded myself about 3 times during the day....then when I got home...I was reminded again about 7 pm EST, when I saw Yarn Yarns (Paula's) post....and by then it was too, again very sorry.....

I have finished a pair of socks....and started the second of another pair...and pulled out my Outlander shawl and put about 30 rows on it...time for chart 3....
What about you?  Have you ever had a day where you just couldn't remember what day it was?

Please join us for the link-up...and please link back...thanks.....


  1. Hi there,

    If your name is not Gracey, what is it? I linked up to my post but I did not mention Stitch Along Wednesday because I just saw it. I saw it a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't find the linky and I think it might have had something to do with the story you mentioned here. Anyways, fun to play along!

  2. Hi, I am knitting a baby sweater. It is going well. I want to make an outlander shawl, they look amazing and comfy. I love your socks the color looks great. Wow this comment sounds like I am really excited or bubbly lol. Can't wait to keep participating in this.

  3. I can't tell you how many times I have to think of what day it is! In my head it often sounds like "Today is, um, Wednesday so I have to ..."

    The colors of your shawl are lovely!

  4. Your Outlander shawl looks really cool! I'm so in love with those books...

  5. I frequently have to think hard to remember what day it is.

  6. I've woken up several times late on a Friday just to realize Saturday morning that it's not Friday anymore :) You rock & I'm loving the Outlander Shawl!!
