
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Stash Enhancement Saturday

Good morning!  This weekend, we will experience a'll feel like the middle of the summer, supposedly.....I have no plans yet, except to visit the Homestead on Sunday to see my MIL...her birthday is this week, Mom lives in Florida, so I won't see her....I've had a few acquisitions to the stash over the last couple of let's get to it...

The newest MadColor club, Baker Street....this is A Study in the shocking pink..

My first Desert Vista Dyeworks, Zomebody Go Bragh....OMG!  I love this!

I just loved this color, Lobster Pot, by  a new to me local dyer...

Bloomin' Color in Avacado Annie II....this will be fingerless gloves..

The top is Eye of the Tiger, the bottom is You Can't Distract Death With Fried Pickle Chips...seriously a Supernatural shawl....I'm planning on attending a Supernatural convention in the fall...

Quaere Fibre in Robin...not sure if I'm doing socks or fingerless gloves with it...

A local farm...just loved the's a deep, deep red....

Because I'm into oranges lately....Lismi Knits in Orient

Stargate Atlantis, because how could I not?

Live Long and Prosper

Random Fandom...These Are Their Stories..inspired by Law and Order...Merino and silk

Tinsel Factory Fibers....this was inspired by a's called Vernal Equinox...I totally forgot I had purchased this awhile ago...when it came it, it had no invoice or shipping notice...I had to do some detective work to figure out where it had come from and when I'd ordered it....but it is beautiful!

People this was not a binge!  This was several weeks LYS visit, and two yarny festivals..I think this is pretty good!  Although I also just got notice that another online order is on it's way....


  1. Wow, lots of lovely yarn! I would just spend all day squishing it!

  2. Wow, you've got some beauties - I bet you don't know what to start a project with first!

  3. So many pretty colours in your new stash acquisition. A study in pink is gorgeous.

  4. What an enhancement! If you ever become suddenly allergic to that Desert Vista Dyeworks skein, I'd be happy to save your life by taking it away. :)
