
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Stitch Along - Week 18

Good morning, my lovely bloggery people! 

I am so tired this morning!  And it has finally warmed up here in the Northeast...things are budding, bees are buzzing, robins are hopping about....

As I said on Sunday, I haven't done much crafting, as I've been reading...well I still haven't crafted since nothing new to show....

I ebb and flow with my crafting...especially after finishing a project...I normally take a day or two to start something else or move on to something about you?  Do you jump right into another project or do you take some decompressing time?

Just a fun picture I took while waiting for Avengers: Age of Ultron to's cool how I'm reflected in my own glasses!

As always, please link back from your blog....thanks!


  1. My crafting also tends to have high and low tides. Cool specs!

  2. we have gales & rain here ....

  3. I don't think I've ever NOT had something going on the needles... but I certainly take breaks from 'types' of projects after I finish one.
