
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morning!  The last Wednesday of the school year!  Today our students are having a Fun Day!  For all their hard work during the Restaurant no teaching today!!!! 

I haven't worked on much since Sunday, when I posted a few works in progress's exhausting closing up the school year and packing up my classroom....the custodians clean the room and wax the floors over the summer, so everything has to come off the floors....

last night I put a few stitches into my Dork socks and then went to no new progress photos...

Yesterday was one month until I go to Norway!!!!!  I can't wait!  Time really seems to slow down when you are waiting for something exciting to happen...also I'm going to be having an 8 hour layover in London....anyone in the area want to meet up? 

What are your summer plans?  Any travel happening?


  1. Lucky you to be going to Norway! We have plans to spend our usual week on the beach in Florida, and probably some day trips around Arkansas. Bet they have awesome wool in Norway!

  2. Oh, so jealous of your upcoming trip! I can't wait to live vicariously through your posts about it. Have a fun non-teaching day!

  3. I hope to get to Norway someday. My grandparents always wanted to go as they owned a Norwegian gift shop in my hometown (which was very Norwegian - even though neither of my grandparents were Norwegian). I also want to get to Scotland, Ireland, England, and Germany. ::sigh::

  4. Ooooh, Norway! Post lots of pics!

  5. Norway?! So jealous! We went to Disney World in February, so we'll just be enjoying a "staycation" this summer. That's OK though, I keep telling myself that people come from far and wide to vacation where I get the privilege of living all year long (RI)!

  6. Norway, how fun will that be? I can't wait to hear your stories and see your pictures.

  7. Hahaha! You could stay in Zurich instead. ;-)
