
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Year of Projects Week #24

2015 Completed Projects:
White mittens - 1/10/15
Quick Crochet Cowl - 1/12/15

Stripes Cowl - 1/22/15
Frosty, the Snowman - 1/24/15
Head Wrap - 1/24/15
H's Everyday Socks 2/7/2015
Stepping Stones 2/17/15
Ita's Shawl 2/18/15
Speckled Eggs 4/11/15
Stitch's Rock Collection Hat 4/16/15

Hawk Baktus  5/17/15 
Far Side of the Moon 5/17/15
Estrella's Turtle 5/20/15

Quick Hat 6/1/15

Adele Socks  6/11/15
Zuzu's Petals 6/13/15

Look at that!  Two finished projects!  The socks have been around since 2013!  Zuzu's Petals was started on January 1 of this year...Right now I am all about the wips...I'm whipping the WIPs....full confession, I did start a new sock...only because I need a mindless the Dork socks were born...
Sorry, picture is so dark...I worked on these at WWKIP was a lot of fun....the yarn was dyed to match the bag...

I've also worked on my second turtleneck capelet today...
I can't find the other two skeins of the red, so I think this is going to be turned into a cowl....

I have also put a few more inches on my Owligan
I also have to make a hamster today.....

I also frogged my Faces in the Wallpaper socks...I had no idea where I was and I could tell they would be too big..I still plan on making them, but now I know more and can modify them for me..

So I have been busy!!!!  6 more days of school...but really grades were due on Friday, so it's just keeping them busy for 6 days....

 WIPS: Crochet:
Mission Falls Poncho: (Started 2006)
Round Ripple: (Started 2006 (?) Aiden)
Around the World Afghan: (April 2010): about ¼ done
Betty Shrug: I don’t know how long I’ve been working on this, but it only has an arm and a border to go.
Sunrise Sunset Afghan: this has been hibernating awhile, 6 squares done.
Tis the Season (11/10/13)
Tabard Tunic (NW Diss 2/1/14)

Learn to Knit Afghan: (started 2010): 3 squares done
Light in Shadows (1/14/14)
Garter Path (6/1/14) 
Turtleneck Capelet #2 (8/12/14)
Willow Fields (9/6/14)  
Shark in the Woods (11/27/14)
Olivia Owl (12/14/14)
Bedrock (2/23/15)
Owligan (5/3/15)

Kai-Mei: (April 2012)
Johnny's Socks (Jan 2013)
Irish Tea (Feb 2015)
Those Socks (2/27/15)   

Splashy Flowers: (May 2011)
Larry Stashbuster Scarf (2012)
Beach Bag: (started May 2010)  Just needs lining sewn in

Fire and Blood (5/4/14)
Outlander MKAL (8/8/14) 
Zuzu's Petals (1/1/15)
Downton Abbey (1/4/15)
Misc: Sunflower: (August 2012) Need a back and to felt  

Projects in Mind - I have the pattern and the yarn  - this list is remaining about the same...I could add a ton to it...but I'm not going to at the moment...I think when I move one of these projects to the WIP category, I will add another project to this list...I like seeing it all laid out..and it is not overwhelming to me..because it's my list and I can follow it or not!

Owl for Rose
Hats for friend's babies (ongoing)
Hats for students (ongoing)
Kimberly Skye's tunic
garter for Caitlin
Two Elsa doll/blanket things

Test Pattern Sweater
Car Coat
Cowl Vest
West End Scarf 
Gathering Leaves
Petal Edge Scarf
Filippi Scarf 
Firefly Scarf 
Danube Cowl
Simple City
Fire and Ice
Holden Shawlette
Trellis Shawl
Bedford Springs Shawl   
Hats and Mitts
Hermione Hearts Ron
Nehalm Hat
Cabled Headband
Cayunga Hat and Mitts set
Ruffled hat and mitts
Evergreen Gloves
Sheepy Cuffs
Twisted Rib Mitts and Hat
Memento Mori
Siren Socks
Savory Lace Socks
Autumn Flame
Rescue Me, Chin Boy and Show Me the Stars
Twin peaks
Sarape Shopper
Pleated Purse
Circular Felted Bag


  1. I love your stripey socks and the capelet/cowl!! We have 5 weeks left, but it feels like a downhill now!

  2. The striped socks look great. It's always painful to pull out a sock - but if it's not gonna fit, then it's the best thing to do. And sometimes after you've done it there's a certain relief that the decision is made. I just ripped out a sock for the same reasons. I tried to convince myself that it'd be alright, but after three repeats on the leg I tried it on and had to face facts!!

  3. I have a mindless pair of socks in my purse (my Traveling Socks)....until I get to the heel and then I need to pay attention. Once that's done, it's back to mindless until I get to the toe. ::sigh::

  4. Love those stripey socks and you've been busy this week even with needing to get grades in. We get our holidays on the 26th and I'm counting down, from mid week this week it will just be a matter of keeping everyone busy, I guess that doesn't change the world over.

  5. I've just discovered a forgotten wip in my tv-room. It's not that old but still .... ;-) I love your socks.

  6. Good for you getting those WIPS off the needles! Always sure an accomplishment ;)

  7. My daughter is done as of last week (Iowa). I love your bag and the socks are scrumptious! Those are some gorgeous stripes! I hope you find your red yarn as that is a great color combo. Glad school is almost out for you.
