
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hunger Games Exhibition

A couple months ago, I started seeing advertisements for The Hunger Games Exhibition in NYC. I knew I was going to go.  I love, love the books and the the books, way before the movies came out.  Plus I am a huge Jennifer Lawrence fan, ever since I saw her in Winter's Bone...she was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G in that movie (and it really was a similar character to Katniss)

Anyway, I have made the Katniss cowl...I made up the pattern as I crocheted it...It's not exact, but this was before many patterns were out...
and I had joined a Hunger Games yarn club from Sweden...and also bought some Girl on Fire yarn from Nerd Girl....I own the books, and the movies....I just absolutely love this fandom....

The exhibition was really nice.  It was well worth it.  They had a lot of costumes, set pieces, lots of information and ways that you could "immerse" yourself.

You first enter the Hob....and yes, I looked for yarn is mentioned in the book and is traded in the movie (most post-apocalyptic books I have read, mention yarn or knitting/crochet....and the series WOOL is well named Wool...awesome series, BTW!!!!!)  So, of course, there is the famous Mockinjay pin....
 They didn't do one book and then the next, it was all kind of scrambled....but there is the famous cowl....and jacket...I will say, it is tiny!  Much smaller than I thought it was....lots of Effie's outfits were on display...They are absolutely amazing....the shoes!!!!

This was a very cool exhibit.  The table was interactive and you could choose any district and it gave you information about the district and the tributes.  I spent some time here. 
What was also cool was it showed the map of how the districts were arranged.  I always thought the Capitol was is the center...and the districts were in ever growing rings around the Capitol.

This was a mockup of the was pretty cool!  The clothing to the left is Haymitch's from Catching Fire...There was one of Peeta next to him....I did not take pictures of everything...

Sitting in Katniss's spot on the train....

Then we headed into the Capitol.
President Snow's costumes.
There was a chair across from him, so you could sit and pretend to be interviewed by him...and the face moved, like a hologram...and I thought this was funny...the hair!
And then Katniss's costumes...the famous dresses...they were gorgeous...lots of details!

You couldn't really get too close to the chariot...the black and red "feather" dress from Catching Fire was amazing up much detail!!!!!  I didn't notice it on the screen, except for the shoulders...

The original Girl on Fire beautiful!!!!!

This was an exhibit of four of her iconic looks...

The Mockinjay dress....not as impressive as on the screen, but still beautiful....and the wedding dress...

They also had a showcase of the weapons from Mockinjay Part 1
and Cinna's sketchbook
At the end, what was very cool..was on homage to the fans...they had a display of fan that is paying attention to your audience...they are also doing this on instagram....they feature an artist, not sure if it's a day or a week....
The only thing I was disappointed in?  Was the gift shop....first the Katniss cowl was a ripoff, it was 130.00 and it was not of good quality...but then again, if I did not knit and crochet, I probably would not know this....I did get an exhibition t-shirt and a new lanyard for school and this Katniss keychain
There were no Mockinjay pins!  Can you believe that?  The whole thing is based on that pin...they had it in a keychain..and I think there were magnets....I either wanted a pin or earrings...the only earrings they had available were little arrows and they were not the best quality...they had some other cool pins, but I was so disappointed in not getting a Mockinjay pin....

Was it worth it?  Definitely, if you are a fan...there was tons and tons to read...I didn't read them all...and more things I did not take pictures of............I spent about an hour and a half in it....

I think it is in NYC until January and then it moves to the West Coast....

Have you seen the new trailers?

I don't remember the hugging Peeta scene or the scene were she walks into the Capital that way, but I'm still very excited for this!!!!!


  1. Super cool! I agree; I am disappointed for you that there was no Mockingjay pin as that is what I would have looked for first.
    And so agree that Winter's Bone was amazing. It was just replayed the other night here during an independent film marathon on TV. Just as great the third time seeing it!
    Can't wait for the movie - even though I loved the books more. I read them all a few years ago in three nights - three very late nights! But I couldn't put them down.

  2. I saw some of your pics on instagram, I would have loved to have gone! I also liked Winters Bone. I want to make a Katniss cowl!!

  3. Looks like that was a fun trip.

    I wonder if fans of the books/movies have created Mockingjay pins?

  4. Yes, there are some on etsy....and I have one on my Katniss cowl...but the design changed for each movie and I wanted to get the other designs.....I think I got mine at Barnes and Noble...

  5. This looks like an awesome exhibition but I really cannot believe they don't sell mockingjay pins?? That seems so weird!
