
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morning!  I know I'm a little late getting this up this morning...sorry...I was going to try to "schedule" the post, but we had thunderstorms last night, so just didn't get to it....

I had to stop knitting yesterday, as I knit so much, my hand began to cramp!...So what was I working on?

I had a little project ADD....

When I went to see the Hunger Games Exhibition (post to follow) on Monday, I decided I needed to use my Girl on Fire yarn from Nerd here is the beginning of Arroway by Stephen West...with Girl on Fire and Can You Picture That?, a Random Fandom colorway...I'm not sure there is enough contrast between parts of the yarns, but to be honest I'm loving it...I've been wanting to work with orange for awhile....and the pattern has arrows!  Arrows, people!  Katniss! It's too perfect!

Then I worked on socks...

Finished one Freedom sock and started the second...the pattern is Rose City Rollers...

My Carlos and Arne...I added another inch after the picure was taken, almost to heel flap...

Flutter, flutter...I love this so much....

Again, self!

I also put another inch on my Owligan...and finished a skein, need to dig out another..two more inches until I divide for the arms....

I am trying not to start my watermelon socks...I have two different patterns with yarn...I may save one for my trip, as it is self patterning....

How about you?  What are you working on?  Please link back...thanks...


  1. Oh, I am LOVING your girl on fire yarn! I'm totally have project ADD right now too. In my head I want to work on ALL THE THINGS right now, lol!

  2. Love all your socks! And I am currently knitting a shawl that I call Girl On Fire too! Go Katniss!

  3. Bet your needles were smoking! Great wips!

  4. Hah, that first pic is how my knitting couch looks ALL THE TIME :D

  5. That pile of project bags looks much like what things look like here. Yes, I want to knit all the things right now!
