
Friday, July 17, 2015

I Have A Finish!

It's a cover for my tablet.  I have two, and this is the smaller one that I am taking on my needed a cover....So I found some Mirasol Akapana.  I just created it as I went...

I crocheted a chain until it was slightly bigger than width of tablet...then I crocheted in the round, half double crochet in back the top, I added a shell stitch....although the yarn is gorgeous (it's kind of tweedy)..I decided to add a pulled out my scraps and created a grassy hill and three flowers...the only part I really don't like is the color of the sun...I didn't have a really yellow, it's lemon yellow....

I also figured the picture would add some more protection to the screen of the tablet....

I am traveling today....I fly from Charlotte, North Carolina to London (overnight Thursday)...I have a long layover in London (about 6 hours) and I hope to get into the city for a bit...and then I fly to I'll be exhausted!!!  I'll check in at some point to see if this posted....

1 comment:

  1. That's a fun tablet cover.

    Hope you got to have some fun in London and that jet lag hasn't been too bad.
