
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morning!  Next Wednesday I will be in Norway!!!!!!!  I will have a post ready to go...but honestly the last time I tried to schedule a post, it didn't I'll at least have one ready tog oa nd if it doesn't, I'll just pop in and post it....does that make sense?

As I said on Sunday, I kind of lost my knitting mojo this week...but on Sunday, I did start a crocheted tablet cover...

I did finish that and will post on Friday....

I also needed to start my "travel" I have tons of socks in various states, but I wanted to work something I wound up my Marvin Says from YarnEnabler and started on a pair of Pin Stripe Socks...they are my Martian Marvin in Norway socks....(and I'll be wearing them for The Martian movie this fall!)
The stripes are going to be of different sizes...and it's a little thrilling to see what color is coming out next...

So I guess that is about all for me right now....I plan on doing a couple of posts, my Friday one..and I have a Saturday one planned...and then my YOP for Sunday...I will also be posting from Norway when I friend has WiFi, so should be good...I won't arrive in Norway until Friday night..

This where I'll be...

I hope you all have a wonderful week!!!!  Any vacation plans?


  1. Love your sock color. Norway will be wonderful!! Wish I was going!!

  2. None as thrilling as yours! Just Florida for fun and seafood.

  3. What fun sock yarn! How fantastic to be going to Norway. We are thinking of going to the Lofoten Island in the autumn. Never go anywhere in the summer as my hubby is a mountian bike guide as works all the time!

  4. I hope to go to Norway sometime......I'm not going to hold my breath but I would love to go :)

  5. I am totally envious of your Norway trip! It's been so hot here spending any time at all outside is like a day on the surface of the sun and I'm craving cool breezes. Great yarn and socks! I love the name. Have fun!

  6. Your vacation sounds so exciting, have a great time!

  7. I just love the Yarn Enabler. I have bought a few skeins from her and they knit up so nice. Have a wonderful trip to Norway! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  8. Have a great trip! It sounds the a lot of fun.

    By the way, I finally broke down and special ordered that rainbow/clouds yarn. Every time I looked at your socks made with it I kept wanting it!

  9. Love the sock yarn, how fun! We'll be enjoying a "stay-cation" in August. I'll just live vicariously through you:)

  10. That sock yarn colourway is super amazing! Have a wonderful time in Norway - what a fantastic trip you will have.
