
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Stash Saturday

we went for a trip to Northhampton last week....if you don't know, Northhampton is the home of WEBS...I was actually looking for a specific yarn..
The Fibre Company Savannah...for this....
and then I picked up some Madelinetosh to show the Hubs the was Magnolia Leaf...well he put in the basket..then we picked out Daffodil to make a sunflowery inspired shawl....
So gorgeous!!!!

Then I stopped in at Northhampton Wools, while he was in the used music store...
Mrs. Crosby came home with me....

On the way to meet Felicia Day, I stopped at an LYS and well they had some Hedgehogs Fibres..very difficult to get Newsprint came to live with me...

I know I also have some in the mail on their way...and well fair season is coming.....and oh yeah, I picked up some more at the Art Show last week....I found the only booth with yarn in it...
She overdyed yellow onto's from a local farm, Flatland Alpacas.....

I think that is it....I have no will power....I have also started two new projects in the past two for a KAL...Sockhead...and one for a test I am off...a former student is going to study in Germany and today is her goodbye party...toodles...


  1. Because I can't actually visit Webs, I put an order in, instead.....four skeins of Cascade 220 Superwash (white, daffodil, black, and some sort of brown) to make goats. Again. ::sigh::

  2. Those are some great colors. Who could resist?

  3. Such lovely yarns. I also have no willpower. Sigh.
