
Friday, August 14, 2015

FO Friday

Good Morning!  Again the people I link to have not put up a link, so I'm going to throw one up...I think I'll just start doing a Friday link if people want one...need to come up with a picture....

So I have two finished objects, but only going to show the crocheted boot cuffs, I need to fix....I'll explain when I blog them...

So here are Those Socks...just a plain vanilla pattern..I wanted the yarn to speak...
I'm going to love these!  They are too warm for now....

They are Zauberball...and yes they match..I made them match.....I'm not sure I could wear mismatched socks.....I absolutely love the gradient effect.....

I started these in February and finished them yesterday....But made many things in between...I am so not a monogamous knitter or crocheter, are you? 

Please link back, if you link up...thanks!


  1. I have a link up on my blog, every Wed and Fri. ;)

  2. Good idea to let the yarn to the speaking for these socks, because they looks stunning! I've yet to knit with zauberball but seeing these certainly make my hands itch to get my hands on some.

  3. I'd rather 50 shades of green than grey! Have a nice weekend. Regula

  4. It's so much fun to make them match, good job!

  5. These look beautiful. I love the gradient. I feel the need to make me some new socks lately I think!
