
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morning my lovelies!!!!!  Haven't blogged in a week!  I've done things and had things to say, but just haven't gotten to the computer....

I've pretty much been working on a second is a bad night picture...

In the picture, I was on the on the gussets....

Today I am off to the Boston area....going to a book signing by Felicia Day tonight...wohoo.....I also hope to pop into a nearby LYS to check it out....

On Monday I went to WEBS....yep...and left with stuff......had some people tell me I needed therapy...I told them yarn was my therapy....

How about you?  Is yarn your therapy????  I don't have to do anything with it...just squishing it helps!

As always, join up and please link back, so others can find us...thanks!


  1. If one looks in my yarn closet, one would say yarn is my's part of my therapy but it's not my entire therapy.

  2. Psshhhh, therapy! You are right, yarn is therapy. I love the meme's that say "I knit so I don't kill people". LOL!

  3. I think yarn is therapeutic. (she says as she pets the Dark Side of the Moon yarn that came from England yesterday)
