
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morning!  I will be in NYC today, as I am participating in GISHWHES this year and I have to go into the city for one of the items...

I have been working on this and that since I got home...I finished one of my Screw You Rainbow socks...I started the second sock of Those Socks for the train ride into the is a mindless vanilla pattern...I've put rounds on pretty much all of the others...and I made something for GISHWHES, but I can't show it yet....

So what are you doing this week?  Please link up and link back...


  1. What am I doing? Knitting and reading, listening and painting. What should I be doing? Cleaning out closets, organizing pantry, going over RCIA readings. I'm sticking with the knitting and reading! can't wait to see the mystery project!

  2. Today was a beach day with the kiddos! The rest of the week will be working from home and getting ready for my husband's week off next week. It's always more work for me, it's like having another kid, lol!

  3. I never heard of GISHWHES before. It sounds like big fun!
