
Thursday, December 3, 2015

A Couple fo Hats

No I did not finish the veteran hat...I had misplaced the bag, just saw it today...but I did finish my semi-Bedrock from Stephen West...
It's not really a Bedrock, as I ended up with way too many stitches at one point....and instead of ripping it out...again....I just went with it and fudged the pattern....I really like it, but think it's a bit short..although I have not blocked it.....

The yarn is to die for!!!!!!! Far from Woolfolk.  I got it last year on my NYC Black Friday Brooklyn Yarn Crawl (yep me all by myself)....It's a 10ply worsted 100% merino, in a square chainette texture...and is as soft as a baby's bottom...or something....but it did not take well to ripping out and restitching...seemed to felt a bit....

And I'm going to post a picture of my second Sockhead....which I call Sockheed every single time!  And again, it is too big...but not as massively big as the last one was......

I do have to double the brim and it is way too long for my head...I don't like them that loose...but it was a KAL, so had to do the pattern exactly....I finished this awhile back, but hadn't taken a picture...

I hope you all have a sparkling weekend...I went today (Thursday) for an ultrasound..and signs of kidney happy about that!!


  1. I expect the merino will grow. Anything I make out of merino grows considerably, which isn't horrible since I've learned that fact. I tend to plan for it to the point that things are almost too small when I make them and once they've been washed and such, they're perfect :)

  2. Great! Have a nice weekend, Regula
