
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday

Figured I'd go with this picture for the month of December....

How are you?  Are you crazily knitting, crocheting, needlepointing, felting, finish holiday gifts?

Not me...not making anyone gifts this year...well maybe an earwarmer for the Hubs and maybe some slippers...he calls them his "feet blankies"  I've been in no rush as it has been very warm...and he is a warm blooded he wouldn't wear them yet...but those are still in the "maybe" column...other than that, it's just ALL FOR ME!!  Bawawaaaa...

Well, not really....on Veteran's Day, I happened across a Facebook post from The Buffalo Wool Co...they were offering a skein of yarn to the first 10 people who would make a hat for a veteran...I volunteered and started the hat the other's kind of dark...but here it is...just a simple beanie type hat...I am still on the ribbing....
I've also worked a bit on various socks and a shawl for the spring...I am being good and, except for the hat, not starting anything new....I do need to make a birthday gift too....but want to finish some more WIPs...

So how about you?  Crazy holiday crafting going on?  I always crack up at the Yarn Harlot and her last minute scrambles....

As always, please prvide a link back and have a great week!


  1. I just finished up a hat that I was test knitting (I already made one, as specified in the pattern; the second one was using a different yarn weight and a couple aesthetic changes for me). Now I'm back to my usual amount of WIPs.......need to get going on those...

    But no holiday knitting. I may need to get a head start for next year, however. I have two nieces that will need wooly goods and probably a few others. ::sigh::

  2. No holiday knitting here, except for me. I went on a yarn buying binge so I better start a bunch of things.
