
Monday, January 11, 2016

Knit Your Library - Week 2

So not much going on here....

I have tried over and over to start the Almond Comfit....I've read the notes on Rav projects, but I can't wrap my head around it...

"Using Figure 8 method cast on 12 stitches, 6 on each needle.....K6, turn
Row 1(RS):sl5 wyib, k1, yo, k1 p5"

My problem is the first part...some people have used Judy's Magic cast-on and said it has helped...but I knit those first 6 stitches and I'm at the end of that row...and I don't know how to get to the other six stitches to start Row 1...because it's on a circular...and the cable is at that end, and if I turn like it says, I have a long float on the other just don't quite get it...but I know it must work out, because 96 other people on Ravelry have gotten it....*sigh*  I may start it on dpns and see if that helps...

I did make Master Yoda from this...but I don't have a picture, as he is now at school and I forgot to take a picture....he will reside on a different student's desk each day to help out and give support....I'll take a picture for Friday....

Please join up with Snapdragon (she is posting on Wednesdays...and I will link up then)


  1. So cute! You will show us a pictuer, right?

  2. I've never done toe-up socks but those directions would confuse me, as well. I would look up the Turkish CO or Judy's Magic CO in videos, using the stitch numbers you need (12), then work as it says in the video, ignoring the directions until you get to the point that you're ready to work properly in the round.

  3. I would work all 12 stitches, then start the pattern. It sounds odd to me too.

    Do you know what "Remember to pin your ravelry project page to the pinned post in the ASK event for 2016." means? It was part of the update to the Knit Your Stash pattern. I did searches for ASK and have no clue what it is.

  4. Looked at your post again: yes, use dpns and switch over to whatever you wish to use when the piece gets big enough.
