
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 2

Happy Wednesday!  On Tuesday, we finally got some started coming down slowly at bus dismissal around 2:50...but it started coming fast and furious after that....and it was all done and gone by 9:00 pm...what a disappointment!  But the kids were really excited when we were walking to buses..

I haven't worked on much this week...I took a picture of Yoda today, so I'll post him on Friday....

I think I've given up on the Almond Comfit.... I think I kind of figured out the starting directions...I tried Judy's Magic Cast on and it made more sense...but continuing the directions, I was lost I'm going to wait until I can talk with my friend about it...or have time to post in a Rav thread...

So I cast on for my January socks from the Yarn Yenta...Espalier.  I'm concerned that the yarn I picked may not be the best, as it seems to be self striping...but we'll see....I got to the first chart row...which I had to rip out the first time, as I did it wrong...I think I'm on the right path now....

So what about you?  What have you been stitching this week?  Please share and please link back...thanks!


  1. It's snowing here a little bit. :-) I haven't done much knitting, but try to finish a second sock today or tomorrow. Enjoy winter! Regula

  2. No snow here yet! I'm waiting for's forecast for tonight and I have Big Plans to make a knitting snowman!

  3. I may or may not have started a hat yesterday and got halfway through before I decided to go to bed last night.....this morning? Whatever. It's small because it's for Stormageddon...

  4. I linked up! We got a little snow overnight, but it was just enough to make everything pretty without messing up the commute. There's more coming this weekend though!

  5. My Espaliers used self-striping yarn and they came out okay.
