
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Stash Acquistion Saturday -- A New Year

Welcome to the new year of stash acquisition or accumulation or enhancement...whatever you choose to call it....

I see many people have a goal every year of reducing their stash, that is never one of my goals...My husband calls my stash, "My Retirement Fund." He says when I no longer have the income to spend on yarn, I will have this fund to pull from....he is the best, isn't he?

So, while I do reduce the amount of "big-box" yarns I own...I have donated bags and bags and still have tons of it.....before I got into indie yarn, I used to buy every Friday at Michael's and AC Moore with their coupons....I will keep my indie and farm yarns....and I will continue to buy....although I may slow down for a bit, as I bought quite a bit in December....

I know I have 2 on their way to me as I type...and 3 more that will be making their way...2 of those are from my clubs, 2 are The Walking Dead inspired yarns and one is because when I saw it...I needed it....and oh yeah there is another that was on sale.....

On Wednesday I went on a day trip to Northhampton with a couple of friends...and of course I had to stop by WEBS....they are not of them dabbles....but the other one said..."This is yarn heaven...and I don't even like yarn".....well she does, but only when I make her something....

So I picked up a couple of things...

Madelintosh...I can't seem to not leave with some of this yummy yarn! This time it was Tosh Light
Coal Seam (and I flashed to The Hunger Games on this one) and Composition Book Grey

and a new to me, Yarn Hollow Squish in Violent Violet
It was a purple kind of day....

My local yarn shop was having a 12 Days of Christmas sale and I went up to get these...
As I have several babies that I know of that would love these....

I know Paula also does one of these occasionally (she and I are are yarny soul mates), so I'm going to add a link if anyone wants to link up...I'm link crazy now!!!


  1. The madelintosh looks scrummy, lovely purple hues. I am honestly saying no I must not purchase any yarn this month and will be stashbusting as best as I can. Although I am so so tempted to buy a pack of wool for a new crochet blanket but no, no, no lol xxxxLeah

  2. OMG! I'm going to be living vicariously through this. My stash is so big, but I just haven't gone out shopping for yarn in so long, ever since I moved to NH and found a pretty big lack of yarn stores here. I don't know why, but pictures of yarn get me so warm and fuzzy inside. :)

  3. Us, yarny soul mates? She says as she looks next to the computer at That Purple Girl's Christmas-inspired yarn bag and yarn. Where did I see that? Hmmmm.
