
Friday, January 1, 2016

Wrapup Friday - Week 1

So not sure if there is anyone to link to anymore.....I know a HardKnitLife was trying to decide on whether to do a link every week....

So I was thinking, what about a "wrapup?" You could post finished projects or just let us know how the week went.....I will start it...and if there is interest, I'll come up with a better header...

So I actually have several's been awhile!

The Hubs foot blankies....that's what he calls them....I just make it up as I go along....

The Hubs fingerless gloves...he picked the colors and wanted the fraternal twin look....we are going to throw these in the dryer to felt up a bit...he likes that look....

A gift cowl for a friend...

A hat for a veteran...the yarn was donated by The Buffalo Yarn Company to the first 20 people who responded they would make a hat for a veteran....I am going to send it to the Veteran's Hospital.  I do need to block it first...

Not sure I ever posted these...boot cuffs for me...they match the wrap I made in Norway....I had to fix them, as I did them exactly the same and so one was backwards when it was on...see, so now...
Here's the wrap...
and last project of 2015...and a finished Dork socks!!!!

I am still on break until Thursday and still without a car....the Hubs and I will be running some errands today, but then I'll be home and working on something else....have a great weekend all...I will be posting tomorrow a Stash Saturation Saturday post....

So I'll post a link and see who may be interested...let me know in the comments, if you don't link today...I get it's a holiday....


  1. I play along whenever I can. Wrap up is better than a FO post since I don't always have a FO. Love all your finishes!

  2. Hi! I am with you on not doing a FO post every week...I think I've settled on a once a month thing...I'm thinking the last Friday of the Month. Now I need to get on a schedule :) I'll link up when I can! I like the Wrap Up idea :)
