
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 4

Good evening, as it is Tuesday are you all this week?

I've worked on several things this week.....
My Vanilla mitts
My Espalier socks...finally...
My Zombie Vixens

I know they are crap photos, but it's what I other news...we did get about 5 inches of snow, no big deal....tomorrow is the end of the marking grades are due.....been busting my butt correcting things....

Not much else going always please link back...and have a great week....


  1. I like your mitts especially! Fun colors.

  2. Quick question ref all the cute socks you've been knitting--wonder how those sock yarns that produce all those wonderful stripes and patterns would work on CROCHETED socks?!? I crochet but do not knit. I found a nice basic pattern for crocheted socks that calls for sock yarn and a D hook. It's a top-down pattern, starts with crocheted ribbing and then going round and round down the leg, back and forth to shape the heel, then crocheting round and round again along the instep of the foot. Of course we know crocheting is more yarn-intensive per square inch of product than knitting is, so I'm afraid the adorable stripes would just turn out either very very skinny or else just nonexistent! Have you tried crocheting socks?

  3. I like those stripey mitts. Yay for your progress on the Espalier!

  4. Late to the party... I posted my blog yesterday but forgot to linky... It has been one of those weeks!

    Your projects look great!

  5. Really love your colours! I used to worry about my photo quality, but you know what? Life is too short. I think yours are fine, you can see the colours and what you're making, and it's all good. I'd rather you spent the extra time making stuff to show us than worrying about the photography :D

  6. Really love your colours! I used to worry about my photo quality, but you know what? Life is too short. I think yours are fine, you can see the colours and what you're making, and it's all good. I'd rather you spent the extra time making stuff to show us than worrying about the photography :D

  7. Those vanilla mitts are lush! The stripes are so pretty!
