
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wrap-up Friday - Week 4

And another week has gone by....what have you wrapped up this week?

I seem to have lost a few more followers in the past week...oh well....*shrugs shoulders*

Haven't finished anything craft-wise....

Nor, well...I guess I've got amongst yourselves!

as always, please link back..thanks!


  1. I think the enthusiasm for knit blogging -- or blogging in general -- may be leveling off. (I often feel like I'm writing for an audience of one: me.)

  2. I try not to worry about my audience too much...I do it cos I enjoy it. You do an amazing thing keeping a link party going, I've tried in the past and found it impossible! I'll keep reading <3

  3. I look at my stats & Feedjit, I'm getting modest traffic but NO ONE comments anymore! Oh well, it is mostly just my writing outlet. I'll have a Wrap-Up post later today. Happy knitting, ladies!

  4. Nothing wrapped up here this week either. I blog to entertain myself. If anyone else happens upon it and enjoys it, that's gravy.
