
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Stash Acquisition Saturday

So much Stash Acquisition'd have no idea, I actually thought about not buying anything until my state's Sheep and Wool at the end of April....pee-shaw! That boat has sailed...fantastically....

So since the last update...which really wasn't that long ago....

Oh, before I go on....the Glenn and Carol yarn is from Desert Vista Dyeworks....
If They Kill Glenn is the Red.....she has inspiration pictures up on the site...
If They Kill Carol is the Purple.....
I also have If They Kill Abraham
They are Dyed to Order, so it takes a little while to get them, but so worth the wait!  I do know of a another doing The Walking Dead inspired yarn....LBArtYarn, some of hers are also Dyed to Order..Also Groovy Hues Yarn has The Heart of the Walker That Bit Ya'

She (Desert Vista Dyeworks) also just started doing a Wizard of Oz/Zombody mashup...I NEED THESE....
Zomwhere Over the Rainbow....I'm going to wait until the collection is complete and grab the rest....

MadColor's second Bad A$$ Girl is "Rey Awakened"

The first was Agent Carter, not sure I showed this one...wasn't on last post...

And I just signed up for her Mad Geek Tour - Joss Whedon!!!!!

Went shopping for my swap partner at a favorite LYS and also bought these for myself...

I also had a trip to WEBS and another LYS...I bought this at the LYS....
Mini rainbow set from A Hundred Ravens....this is such a great shop!  I really love them and their yarns...although I seem to just be collecting them at this point...I have another of their mini-sets in greens and purples set aside for a Leftie....

Also picked up some sock yarn...

I went a bit crazy at WEBS..... I fell down HARD when it came to the Madelinetosh....
Pashmina worsted...swoon!!!!!  Going to be a cowl....

Twist Light in Daffodil and Pendleton Red...I don't think anyone does "autumny" colors better than Madtosh.....the gorgeouseness!!!!

Madtosh Home....such squooshiness!  This is going to rival Malabrigo's Rasta....

New yarn to me....The Fibre Co. Cumbria...brown masham wool, merino and mohair....the contrast of those colors!!!!

Moving on....ordered this from Witch Candy...she does a Two for Tuesday, where she just dyes up something and only offers two skeins...this one was really popular, so she took orders for it...
Birch Fire...I thought the grey would be more white, but I'm okay with I've already seen someone knitting with it...and it looks amazing!

The last month of the Quaere Fibre Self Stripe....SWOON....rainbow....
It is called Georgian Doors.....Love so much!!!!

I think I am all caught up now....well until the next shipment arrives...I don't think I have anything out on order, but I do have my FibreShare swap package en who knows what will be in there???

And I might do the Great Rhody Crawl in a couple of weeks....I didn't do the North Shore one last weekend....but I am itching to do a crawl....

How about you?  Any great acquisitions lately?  Wanna link up?... Let's share the yarn love...


  1. Wow! That's a whole lot of yarny goodness and potential projects. Have fun!

  2. Loving the sound of pashmina yarn!! Sooo soft!
