
Friday, March 25, 2016

Wrap Up Friday - Week 12

I apologize for the last two Fridays.....2 weeks ago, I just forgot...last week, I tried to do the post before leaving for work...but my computer wouldn't load...I tried it three times and then I had to leave...I'm a little late today...I do have the day off as it is Good Friday, here in the States....

I have not finished nothing for me....I am very close to finishing my Irish Oak, so that should be posted next week...

For those of you who celebrate.....I consider myself a Christian, I grew up in the church, but I no longer my personal beliefs collide with many of the teachings of the religion I belong I have been on a search for a new church....but I also don't believe I need to attend a church in order to be a good Christian.....but it can be a good community...

As always, please provide a link back....

1 comment:

  1. I've got two things finished this week (actually three but the third one isn't ready for public yet). I finished up some spinning and the preview for my new pattern came out today :) Both are on the blog today (two different entries).
