
Thursday, June 23, 2016


So on Monday, I'll be flying to Florida for a two week stay.  First I'll be with my aunt and uncle in southern Florida (my dad's sister - the best aunt in the world!) and then spending a week with my Mom and stepdad (it's weird calling him that, as they got married a few years ago, so didn't grow up with him) anyway...what project or projects do I take? 

At my Mom's house, I'll mostly just be hanging out and visiting, so I'll have time while they are both working...

Here are the state of my ongoing projects:

Porch Wrinkle - barely started, but need to focus on the "ring" part of pattern and don't have a paper pattern to take with me and it doesn't load correctly on my tablet...sigh....

Secret Garden - moving on to my second part, but am stumped by design, hope to get some help with that tonight....

Willow Fields - on decrease, so many rows still to go...pattern in a book....*sigh*

Fortune's Shawlette - this is crochet, easy to follow, so a good project to take....

Reyna - have paper pattern, seems pretty easy to follow....

Edgy Carol - is on tablet and pretty easy to follow...

Outlander MKAL- yeah, let's not go there....

Fire and Blood MKAL GoT-  too detailed...and not sure I have all the clues printed...

Light and Shadows - have to figure out next part to design...have to cut and turn or something like that...


Meadering Top - just started....if I can get past the short rows, it'll just be garter stitch in the round for a bit....

Stopover - yeah, not gonna happen...

Live Long and Prosper - sock 1, still on leg....
Spring is in the Air - pick up gusset stitches
Espalier - nope
A&C Vanilla - heel flap/gusset
Nemo/Dory - sock 1, still on leg

Raspberry Beret - haven't gotten past brim, would need pattern, means I'd have to carry the book
My Shelly Valentine - pattern is on a website
Stripey Goodness Mitt - I'd have to pay attention
Zombie Mitts - *shudder* cables *shudder*

I worked on a bunch of these yesterday!  Yep, I put rows on 2 pairs of socks and 4 shawls....but I am bored today, bored with EVERYTHING!!!  I have not worked on a thing (well I dyed my hair), everything feels like a chore to I just say screw it and start something new?  Or do I bite the bullet and actually finish something?  Maybe I'll feel different on Sunday when packing....

And, it doesn't help that new yarn has arrived in the mail, or that I tossed the stash the other day and found some forgotten lovelies.....

I'm gonna go up to Knit Night tonight....maybe that'll kick me into gear again...

And just a sneak preview for Saturday's new stash post...the pretty that arrived yesterday..


  1. So many projects. I think I'd focus on one big one and a few smaller ones at at time. The rest seems so overwhelming. Finishing at least one thing will give you that push to keep going. Have a great trip!

  2. I'm still working on getting my knitting mojo the fact that I'm bored with projects isn't surprising. I have worked a little bit here and there on a few different things and we'll see how it goes.
