
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 25

Good morning my lovelies!  I'm actually doing this on a Wednesday morning!  The next two Wednesdays, I'll be in Florida visiting, so not sure if I'll get to this in time....I should....just giving you a heads up.....

I have actually worked on a few things this week!
Edgy Carol has a new triangle started.  What an interesting construction!  There will be a total of four triangles knitted in different directions...It is Ecken + Kanten by Martina Behm.  I am also doing her Miss Winkle, but did not work on that this week...she is famous for the Hitchhiker shawl.

Willow Fields was also worked on a bit...It's a nit tedious, but I am on the decrease.....This is the Maedwe pattern in the book, Free Spirit Shawls...

I also started a new vanilla sock in the Little Nemo/Dory's much farther along than this picture shows...

And, I finished a thing!!!!  So I'll have something for Friday....this new keyboard...gah!  I keep getting typos!

So how about you?  What did you work on this week?  As always, please link back!  Thanks!


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