
Monday, June 20, 2016

Piece by Piece

Since yesterday was Father's Day, I'll post this...It's been sitting in drafts for awhile.....

I don't know where I first heard this song, but it is gut-wrenching....Although my father never truly "abandoned" us, he did go missing for periods of time and he would have long absences from our lives.  But, I have never doubted my father's love for me and my brother....he was the best father he knew how to be with the demons he had....and his father could, by some people, be described as a he really had no role model...and he became a father at 17.....yes, my father was 17 when I was born....I've been pretty open with my relationship with him over the years....I do regret that we were not in contact when he died, but I had tried to keep in contact....he just did another one of those disappearing fact, he had been missing for three days before my aunt called me...(my father lived in Texas, my brother and I live in Connecticut).....

Although I was not blessed with becoming a parent, my brother is....and he is a wonderful father did give credit to how we turned out to my Mom and step-dad, Bill. 


  1. At least you can say your father loved you as best he knew how. My own father......well, let's just say that he never wanted kids, much less a girl. So, I was born and he didn't disappear because we knew where he was. He just didn't bother with me. Six years later, my half-brother comes along and the sun shines out of his ass. It still does. I'm the one with a college degree who is actually trying to do something with myself. That's not to say my brother is a bad person or anything like that but we were treated so differently, and still are to this day. I've not been on speaking terms with my brother since I got married in 2009. Unless my brother told him, he has no clue that we live 2500 miles away and that he has two grandchildren. He probably knows about one, if his girlfriend told him...which she may not have.

    It sucks all around.

  2. Renee, I'm sorry. as a primary teacher, I see many children who do not have a father in their is so sad.....and I have many students who have had a stepfather step into that breach, as I did.....but its still a parent who chooses not to be part of your life...and it hurts....I pity those parents, as they have no idea the remarkable people that their children are or will is their loss....but you, like Kelly Clarkson have a wonderful husband, who seems to be a fantastic your children are blessed.
