
Friday, June 17, 2016

WrapUp Friday

Sorry I am so late....I am exhausted...yesterday was graduation day...There were 27 of my former students graduating....
A class of almost 500 students!  They walk along the road to the football stadium...
Here are some of mine...
Alyssa, Kyle (he goes to another high school), Mignette, me, Larielyz and Ronald proud of all of them!  I had them in second and in third grade and have kept in touch with many of them. 

Then last night I helped out at the all night graduation party....until midnight....

For the past two weeks, this has been my project...and yes, it's done...

I was so exhausted each day after school, that I came home and slept for 2 hours!

But there was one fun thing this week....
These are my co-workers...I edited the video just a bit....enjoy!


  1. Gee, are you guys happy that school's out? Looks like a great group.

  2. Great film! Having a good time with colleagues is all you need when work is tough. Happy holidays! Regula

  3. My how they grow. My youngest son graduated last month from the school that he had been attending since third grade. Looks like you and your co-workers were having a lot of fun. :)
