
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Stash Acquisition Saturday

Yesterday, I received the news that I'm moving to a new grade level...I am not fact, I'm pretty pi$$ed off about it.....there really isn't anything I can do...and the principal couldn't seem to give me a reason just sucks, cuz you have to pack up your whole classroom to move...and I'm moving upstairs, which is not good for my knees....anyhow...a friend said, go buy yarn!..

I was just on etsy...and had two things in my shopping cart that I have been wanting...but I didn't buy...why?  Because I have bought a massive amount of yarn lately...I have this post from May, as well as one from April, two in March, here and here, February  and two in January, here and here. 

I have been trying to log it all on to Ravelry, but have fallen behind.....I also really have no place to store it right now...I'm running out of space...and I think I've actually only used one of those skeins so far....
but yarn makes me happy and I'm not guaranteeing I won't buy some this weekend...the stuff I want is dyed to order, so it'll be a couple weeks before I get it....I have at least three orders in the mail right now and another one or two I am waiting on.....

But, what do I have to show you now?  Here goes!

I showed you a picture of what I got at RI Sheep festival, but here is each individual thing...
These are destined for a baby gift, probably a sweater....the Tails and Snouts (the variegate) is a new yarn dyer for me....and Dirty Water Dyeworks, I have several of her things...

Molly Girl (another new dyer) in a sparkle base...Mission Bells
Play At Life, Jest Sock in Gloaming....I got home, checked my stash and sure enough, already have a skein of massive shawl coming up!  She did offer to switch it out at the Mass Sheep and Wool, but I didn't have it with me...
Play at Life, Jest Sparkle, Supernatural inspired...I Found a Liquor Store and I Drank It.
Tails and Snouts, mashup of Sunrise and Coral Reef II, not a true self-stripe, but will stripe...

 Dirty Water Dyeworks...Crystal...Merino/yak/ Burnishing Gold
And Sangria, which is SW BFL....I just felt the need for a deep red....

In the mail.....

Latest Random Fandom, Heat 'Em Up, inspired by's 100% Pima Cotton...
Hand Dyed by Kate...there is a KAL going on for this one, but I haven't started it....this came from England...Moody is watermelon inspired, but darker...

Let's Go Goat made me laugh!...

Sunny Skies by CuppyCake explanation needed....

A TOAK Tuesday, Just Because, from Witch Candy...she makes Two on A Tuesday...I was actually home on a Tuesday to get one...the colors are intense!

Not sure I ever posted the Shawl Kit I received from Miss Babs....It is subtly gorgeous!

or this one by Cornbread and Honey...Enchanted Rainbow...

And now onto Massachusetts Sheep and Wool....
June Pryce Fiber Arts

Holiday Yarns, Snowy Branches and Irish Red

Mad Color Rowena, I recently was sorted into House Ravenclaw....

And a self-stripe...Bright Side....This was the first time Heather has vended at this was great to see her....

So today, I'm either going to go shopping again...I really do need that BB-8 yarn...I have already ordered the Dory yarn, Just Keep Swimming....or I may cast on a massive load of things.....we'll see....


  1. Poor you! Haven't you moved once or twice already? I have to move also, in the neighbouring schoolhouse, but I don't have so much stuff. One load in my car should be it. What's the positve of your moving? Will you have a nicer view? Enjoy the weekend. Regula

  2. Sorry to hear about the work unpleasantness. It looks like you've got a LOT of yarny goodness to comfort you. I may have to go look some of those dyers up.
