
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Stash Acquisition Saturday

So I posted a Stash Acquisition Saturday from Florida.  I really need to do a post about the yarn store, because I had to STOP myself from going was that awesome!

I got home late, late last night, really early this morning...our plane sat on the tarmac for over an hour because of a rain, but lots of thunder and lightening....

And I came home to my clubs and my fibreshare here goes...

Last month of the Joss is Boss was Dr. Horrible be honest, haven't watched much of Dr. Horrible....and I forgot to change my bag choice, not a HUGE fan of the wedge...but the print is fun and I'll use it...The yarn is Wonderflonium, which I have no basis of reference for...but it is on Sidekick, which is 90%SW Targhee/10% nylon and the colors are pleasant, although a bit on the pastely side...I may gift it....I may make a gift with it....we'll see

Now the BAMF club was Gamora based, and I think did her justice...
Then my Random Fandom is Swanky DK...only 230 yards, but of 50% SW Merino/50% silk...and love the is Hey, Take a Look at the Earthlings, inspired by Independence Day..
I also received an order I did place....
School's Out for Summer and Oil Slick from Witch Candy....

I will be joining Mad Color's next club, as it is Star Wars themed....and see...
I'm a fan...

And I told you I tossed the stash before I left and I pulled some things to send to my Fibreshare partner and can't find them now...*sigh*

I received my package from my partner...(not the same one I send to)...and she did okay...
It seems as if she is a vegan and recycles a think everything was recycled, regifted, etc...doesn't bother me....the skein in the hank is from a local farm, but there is no further information on it, except I think it's alpaca....the red is a lace weight, which I don't normally use, so I'll have to find a project for info on the brown, except it is alpaca....not disappointed...interesting to see how people interpret...and I don't mind regifted things...

Till next time, because we all know there will be one!

1 comment:

  1. gaining any kind of yarn for my stash is fun, looks like you have lots of pretty skeins!! I try when I travel to pick up a skein. Sadly I did not get anything over this weekend trip.
