
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 28

Good morning my lovelies!  I'm actually typing this on a Wednesday morning at home! 

I have been working on a variety of things....I finished my crocheted Fortune's Shawlette, but it needs a good soaking and's a bit smaller than I imagined, so we'll see what a blocking will be honest I never blocked crocheted things before I started knitting....

So these are the other projects I've been rotating...mostly working on my Reyna (the blue and white at the top) is close to being finished...

When I don't want to work on a pattern, I pick up one of the vanilla socks to add some rows....

The bottom right is my Meandering Top....I picked that back up yesterday and got through a couple of short rows...I'm not entirely sure of what I am doing on that...and I tinked back a bit, because it was looking weird and I have a slight hole now that I will have to stitch later....for some reason it looked like I was knitting backwards....

I also picked up my Edgy Carol last night (on the left) but didn't add much to was getting dark and the yarn can be hard to see....

In book news, I picked up the latest Kate Morton on Sunday.  I love her books, but man is the print tiny!  I'm also thinking of joining the Geeky Girls Summer of Austen read along...they have done Persuasion, my favorite and are reading Emma now....I had to search for my copy...not sure I've actually read it, or just watched the movies...wasn't even sure if I owned the book, but there it was on the bottom of a pile....I'm also still s.l.o.w.l.y. making my way through Far From the Maddening Crowd....I'm on chapter XXII and only about 170 pages into a 400+ page book....

So how about you, what are you up to today or this past week?

As always, please link back...thanks!

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