
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Stash Acquisition Saturday

This past weekend, the Hubs and I took a car ride...thought we might go see the Kent Waterfall, but the park was super busy, so we just went into Kent...

I knew there was a yarn store, I had been to it a couple years ago....I did not take any pictures.  She has moved locations since I was last there...she is in a much bigger location...Black Sheep Yarns.  It is a very nice space...lots of room, very bright.....the owner is friendly.  She was giving lessons to someone while we was there....although there was a bit of "hovering" going on....

I did pick up a few things....
 Oink Pigments in Sarcasm....
 Local yarn 100% alpaca
Local yarn 100% Icelandic

I loved that she carried several local yarns!

I also, finally! snagged a copy of Franklin Habit's coloring book...the last one she had!

So, in the mail, I received
This was a limited edition kit....I also received stitch markers, a sock pattern and two small triangle bags...Not sure what I'm going to use the bags for, but will gift one to a friend....There are a few still available, Berry Colorful Yarning 

I absolutely adore the colors in the stripes!  I am "helpless in the face of self-striping yarn," same as the Yarn Harlot!

I also had ordered a skein of yarn for my Yarnfibre swap buddy from Moonshine Fibers.  When I mentioned that to the vendor, Jeannie, offered to extend her 20% off for me to order something for myself...well I took her up on it (she had then decided to extend it for the whole shop)  I picked up a skein of her Angel Sock....people this stuff is like floating on heavenly clouds!!!!  It is 70% baby alpaca/20% silk and 10% cashmere...OH. MY!!!!!!!  Baby alpaca is my favorite soft fiber ever!  Then to pair it with silk and cashmere.....oh, yummy!

Today I am heading to WEBS...I know, I know!  A friend invited me, so I invited a friend....then the first friend cancelled, but friend 2 and I are still gonna head up....

I have some specifics...I need some chunky wool in red and white for a hat for the nephew...he's heading to college this school colors...I made him a hat in his high school colors....

I'm not sure they are carrying Hedgehog Fibers, but I'd love a skein of Egg Yolk, if they are...

And I'm sure I'll pick up a Madtosh or two...because it's what I do!

I have given myself a budget, but we'll see....this will be my last yarn shopping excursion until Rhinebeck!  With the caveat, I still receive three yarn clubs a month...and if I visit any new LYS (always a possibility).....but a skein here and there is a possibility!

Have a wonderful Saturday and come back next week for another installment! (Next weekend, the Hubs and I are doing a "Farm Tour" or really, he asked if it is like a "Farm Crawl" like my yarn crawls)...yes, yes it is!

Gonna throw up the link, see if anyone wants to share some recent beauties...


  1. Is that colouring book you mentioned a knitting specific knitting book? Sounds so interesting!

  2. I love that coloring book. Even if I never color in it, it's just charming and I like looking at it.

    Baby alpaca/cashmere/silk sounds like something I'd keep on my desk and pet. Can't wait to see what comes back with you from WEBS.
