
Sunday, July 24, 2016

YOP: Week 30

Helloooooo out there!!!!!!  It has been 7 weeks! Seven since I last blogged.....I could give you tons of excuses, but it is what it is!

So I am going to use the new banner....made by Cyra of Free Form Stitching

Most of the people in YOP go July 1 to June 30, so they have recently posted their lists and goals for the year.  I go January to December...

So what have I been up to in the past 7 weeks?

Completed Projects:
The Dork Socks (technically 2015) 12/31/15
Screw You Rainbows socks (1/6/16)
Quick Pink cowl (1/7/16)
Yoda (1/10/16)
Bulky Cowl (1/19/16)
Jacinta Capelet (2/28/16)
Turtleneck Capelet #2 (3/31/16)
Fortune's Shawlette (7/12/16)
Irish Oak (6/19//16)

Well look there! I have finished two shawls!  

 I would have another done, but I ran out of I can either buy another skein or rip it out and weigh it, as it is a corner to corner type shawl...haven't decided yet...

I have put work into several of my projects....but for awhile I had no mojo, so didn't work on anything...back to the mojo and want to work on ALL THE THINGS! I have been good and not cast on or started crocheting anything new....but I do have to do that a baby is on it's way....she is being induced on Tuesday...yeah!  So I'll have some baby things next week, hopefully! So I guess that is it for me...also I'm typing this on my desk computer and there is no a/c in this room and we are having a heat I'll say goodbye for now...
Works In Progress:     WIPS: Crochet:
Round Ripple: (Started 2006 (?) Aiden)
Around the World Afghan: (April 2010): about ¼ done
Sunrise Sunset Afghan: this has been hibernating awhile, 6 squares done.
Tis the Season (11/10/13)
Tabard Tunic (NW Diss 2/1/14)

Learn to Knit Afghan: (started 2010): 3 squares done

Shark in the Woods (11/27/14)
Vanilla fingerless mitts (12/25/15)
Zombie Vixen mitts (10/17/15) Stopover KAL (2/7/16)
Raspberry Beret (4/21/16)
Garter Path Shawlette (5/30/16)
Swinging with Winkle (6/4/16)

Meandering Top (5/20/16) 
Kai-Mei: (April 2012)

Johnny's Socks (Jan 2013)
Carlos and Arne socks (July 3 2015)
Espalier Socks (Jan 10, 2016)
Glenn Lives (2/1/16)
Live Long and Prosper (4/14/16)

Spring is in the Air (2/16/16)

Splashy Flowers: (May 2011)
Larry Stashbuster Scarf (2012)

Light in Shadows (1/14/14) 
Willow Fields (9/6/14) - on the decreases now
My Shelly Valentine (2/10/16)
Reyna (May 3, 2016) 
Edgy Carol (2/14/2016)

Beach Bag: (started May 2010)  Just needs lining sewn in 

Fire and Blood (5/4/14)  
Outlander MKAL (8/8/14)  
Downton Abbey (1/4/15)

Sunflower: (August 2012) Need a back and to felt 

Projects In Mind: Gifts/Charity: 
Hats for friend's babies (ongoing)
Hats for students (ongoing)
Kimberly Skye's tunic
Two Elsa doll/blanket things

Test Pattern Sweater (in magazine)
Car Coat (in magazine)
Cowl Vest
West End Scarf  
Gathering Leaves
Petal Edge Scarf
Filippi Scarf 
Firefly Scarf 
Danube Cowl
Simple City
Fire and Ice
Holden Shawlette
Trellis Shawl
Bedford Springs Shawl
Brush Creek Cowlette  
The Brownstitch gradient
Bigger on the Inside
Out of Gas  
Sweet Potato Twist  
Falling Bobbins 
Danielle Shawl  
The Doodler
Hats and Mitts
Lace Kelly (soakbox)
Isabeau Mitts 
Hermione Hearts Ron
Nehalm Hat
Cabled Headband
Cayunga Hat and Mitts set
Ruffled hat and mitts
Evergreen Gloves
Sheepy Cuffs
Twisted Rib Mitts and Hat   
Transitional Color Mitts
Almond Comfit
Lady Violet's Dinner Gauntlets  
Autumn in Garrison
Baa-ble Hat

Memento Mori
Siren Socks
Savory Lace Socks
Autumn Flame
Rescue Me, Chin Boy and Show Me the Stars
Twin peaks
Wizard of Oz socks
Black Widow's Socks

August Pocus
Knit From Stash patterns
Dr. Who socks
Sarape Shopper
Pleated Purse
 Circular Felted Bag


  1. Beautiful shawls!!! Glad you got your mojo back!!

  2. Yea for getting your mojo back. That is really scary when it disappears............kind of like writers block. Your shawls are very nice but what a bummer to run out of yarn on the third one. I would love to see a C2C shawl. I have just learned that type of crochet myself and really like it.

    Your list is very impressive and you are making good progress on it.

  3. Really love the green shawl with the trim!

  4. Your list is impressive! Love the shawls

  5. Glad to reconnect with you. This is some list.

  6. Your shawls are pretty. So glad you got your mojo back. I thought I was loosing mine, but I think it just took a break for a few days this week. Too much to make. So little time.

  7. Great that you've gotten your mojo back and lovely to see you back. Well done on the finished shawls.

  8. I'm also in a shawl mood at the moment - your two look great. I'm glad I'm not the only one with an impressive list of WIPs. Good to hear you have your mojo back and will look forward to catching up again next week. xox

  9. Love your shawls and I have to order yarn as I will be starting a shawl after my visitors leave. Yes, I hate it when I am in that mod where nothing looks enticing to work on but thank goodness it doesn't last too long! I usually entice myself by ordering some new yarn/supplies/books and spending hours on Ravelry and podcasts until it passes! LOL!
    I should really do January through December as it would be a better time for me. July is always when my family visits and I have yard work but they're coming the end of this week so I managed to get my list done but will probably not be on the next couple weeks. They're a houseful and a handful but I love it and we have loads of laughs!
    Have a great week and I love our's like mine...never-ending! So many projects, so little time!

  10. It is funny how mojo comes and goes isn't it? Both for blogging and for knitting. Glad yours is back. Your list is uber impressive.

  11. Lovely shawls, I'm so glad you have your motivation back and good luck for getting the baby things done this week.

  12. Nice to meet you Tammy. You really have quite a list of projects. Your shawls look great. I can't wait to see the baby items. I just finished some for a 9 months old girl. That was a change for me and a bit of a challenge.
