
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 30

Hello my friends! 

It is still hot here in the Northeast....yesterday I actually went to a Stitch and Bitch at the Beach.  It is sponsored by Madison Wool, a yarn store about an hour from me.  I really like the store.  She brings in a lot of indie dyers and there are all the up and coming books and pattern available....yes I bought something while I was there, but I'll share on Saturday....

The black flies were biting constantly and none of us had brought bug spray...finally Dayna went back to the store and got some...I also met someone else who is doing GISHWHES!

Think I may go back with my friend Maureen next week...

I didn't get too far, because the flies were so bad....but the views were fantastic...
A bit of the display put on by the sunset.....

How was your week?  I have also started 4 different books, but haven't read anything this week...


  1. they sprayed some kind of safe bacteria here on the river that kills/eats the black flies so we haven't had a bad summer. Usually they are just awful. lovely projects!

  2. Wow, what a pretty place! Sorry to hear about the flies. I'm battling teeny little obnoxious ants here.

    Nothing new with my WIPs so no post about them today. At least one of them may qualify for being finished on Friday.
