
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 34

Good evening!  Since it's back to school time...I'll be posting Tuesday evenings again, as I won't have time to post in the mornings....

Well looky there...could that be a new cast-on?  Why, yes, yes it is!  This is Multnomah by Kate Ray.  It has been in my queue forever....since Sam I Am was casting on, I decided to join her.

That is it...although the classroom is coming along....tomorrow I am in PD (professional development)  ALL DAY, so not sure if I'll work on my room....

After some mix-up, FINALLY got my blood drawn today - 8 vials!!!!!!!  She had to use two veins, as the first one dried up....So some nice bruises on my hands, because those were the only veins that popped (but not as big as last time! The last time, the entire top of my hand was bruised)

Oh also, we heard an AMAZING speaker at our convocation....Nelba Marquez-Greene, who lost her daughter Ana Grace in the Sandy Hook shooting....she has a non-profit now and partners with school.  We will be incorporating her Love Wins program in our building this year.  She came and spoke in our building today and is just wonderful.....

And lastly, the knitter, who lost her house in the flooding?  She has posted some updates on Twitter...I don't have a Twitter account, but posting a link to hers...there is a video of what her house looks like can still buy a pattern, if you are so inclined!

So come along and join in...and please link back...thank you! 


  1. That will be a gorgeous shawl!!!! Yikes I hope the bruising is gone soon. I have no knitting for this week :( Started a scarf yesterday and then messed up. Restarting today. It's all short rows, had no clue how to fix that with out starting over lol

  2. I am currently in the process of ripping back my Multnomah, since I have screwed up the edging. I'm hoping I can get it right once I get back to the last regular row, because it is so pretty, and I've really been wanting to finish and wear it!

    Good luck with yours. :-)

  3. I did pick up a pattern of hers....but I ignored the sale and just went full price.

    Also, I've been working on all the things...okay, really, my Caffe Macchiato socks are past the gusset decreases (on the first one) and I finally got to "section 2" on my Bad Nut shawl...which means I put a lifeline in because I'm classy like that. And I don't pick up stitches well in garter.


  4. I have finally got my teaching qualification to be able to teach here!! Hopefully this time next year it will be me setting up the class! As I am pregnant I can't really do much about it in the meantime though!
