
Sunday, August 21, 2016

YOP: Week 34

I haven't done much this week, but work on my classroom...This is what it looked like on Monday...
This was Wednesday
It's getting there, about 80% done....but I've had a arthritis in my hands flared up and my hands have been sore and swollen since Thursday...I still worked in my room on Friday, but I am sore...
This was this morning and you can see that my finger is still swollen a bit, so I have not been doing any crafting...I did start a bit this morning as I was watching the Olympic Men's marathon, but taking lots of breaks...I went to see a new doctor on Monday and I'm actually getting a series of tests done to see if there might be another issue...but since I was still on the antibiotics for the ear infection, I had to wait until I was over that. 

But on Saturday, I got to go see baby Lucy, I made the flower rattle and hats for her...
She was born a month early.  She is home and putting on cute!  And my friend and I went to a nearby park to do some Poke hunting...
She gave me my birthday gift...a custom pair of earrings...aren't they awesome?
I have some new yarn acquisitions, but will do a post next Saturday...I also rushed over to LB Art Yarns on etsy, as she is is putting her Walking Dead yarns on had to get the ones I'd been eyeing...

Have you heard about the devastating flooding?  Well you can help a fellow designer/knitter/crocheter out by buying one of her patterns...her house was flooded and she is trying to raise some money...Emily Ringelman...she is offering a coupon code to get 40% off. She's got some great sweater and hat patterns!  Pom-poms!

So that has been my week...teachers start back to school tomorrow, students next Monday.....

Completed Projects:
The Dork Socks (technically 2015) 12/31/15
Screw You Rainbows socks (1/6/16)
Quick Pink cowl (1/7/16)
Yoda (1/10/16)
Bulky Cowl (1/19/16)
Jacinta Capelet (2/28/16)   
Turtleneck Capelet #2 (3/31/16)   Fortune's Shawlette (7/12/16)   Irish Oak (6/19//16)  2 baby hats (7/27/16) Baby Rattle (8/4/16) Edgy Carol (8/7/16)
Plastic Bag Holder (8/14/16)
Works In Progress:        WIPS: Crochet:
Round Ripple: (Started 2006 (?) Aiden)
Around the World Afghan: (April 2010): about ¼ done
Sunrise Sunset Afghan: this has been hibernating awhile, 6 squares done.
Tis the Season (11/10/13)
Tabard Tunic (NW Diss 2/1/14)

Learn to Knit Afghan: (started 2010): 3 squares done
Shark in the Woods (11/27/14)
Vanilla fingerless mitts (12/25/15) Zombie Vixen mitts (10/17/15)   Stopover KAL (2/7/16)
Raspberry Beret (4/21/16)
Garter Path Shawlette (5/30/16)
Swinging with Winkle (6/4/16)  
Meandering Top (5/20/16) 

Kai-Mei: (April 2012)
Johnny's Socks (Jan 2013)  
Carlos and Arne socks (July 3 2015)
Espalier Socks (Jan 10, 2016)
Glenn Lives (2/1/16)
Live Long and Prosper (4/14/16)
Spring is in the Air (2/16/16)

Splashy Flowers: (May 2011)
Larry Stashbuster Scarf (2012)
Light in Shadows (1/14/14) 
Willow Fields (9/6/14) - on the decreases now
My Shelly Valentine (2/10/16)
Reyna (May 3, 2016) 
Edgy Carol (2/14/2016)

Beach Bag: (started May 2010)  Just needs lining sewn in 

Fire and Blood (5/4/14)  
Outlander MKAL (8/8/14)  
Downton Abbey (1/4/15)
Sunflower: (August 2012) Need a back and to felt 
Projects In Mind: Gifts/Charity: 
Hats for friend's babies (ongoing)
Hats for students (ongoing)
Kimberly Skye's tunic
Two Elsa doll/blanket things

Test Pattern Sweater (in magazine)
Car Coat (in magazine)
Cowl Vest
West End Scarf  
Gathering Leaves
Petal Edge Scarf
Filippi Scarf 
Firefly Scarf 
Danube Cowl
Simple City
Fire and Ice
Holden Shawlette
Trellis Shawl
Bedford Springs Shawl
Brush Creek Cowlette  
The Brownstitch gradient
Bigger on the Inside
Out of Gas  
Sweet Potato Twist  
Falling Bobbins 
Danielle Shawl  
The Doodler
Hats and Mitts
Lace Kelly (soakbox)
Isabeau Mitts 
Hermione Hearts Ron
Nehalm Hat
Cabled Headband
Cayunga Hat and Mitts set
Ruffled hat and mitts
Evergreen Gloves
Sheepy Cuffs
Twisted Rib Mitts and Hat   
Transitional Color Mitts
Almond Comfit
Lady Violet's Dinner Gauntlets  
Autumn in Garrison
Baa-ble Hat

Memento Mori
Siren Socks
Savory Lace Socks
Autumn Flame
Rescue Me, Chin Boy and Show Me the Stars
Twin peaks
Wizard of Oz socks
Black Widow's Socks
August Pocus 
Knit From Stash patterns
Dr. Who socks  

Sarape Shopper
Pleated Purse Circular Felted Bag


  1. Hope your arthritis settles down soon. Your classroom is looking great! Thanks for letting up know how we can help with the patterns.

  2. I'm sorry about your hands, hope they calm down soon. We are back to school in two weeks, can't say I'm really looking forward to it! Hurrah for babies, she looks as though she is doing really well.

  3. I'm sorry your arthritis is affecting you lately. What grade do you teach? Go teachers! Lucy is beautiful. I love it when babies throw their hands up in the air like that. The owl earrings are fun.

  4. I have RA and it is terrible when you have a flare up....really messes with everything! And it hurts! Stress can make it flare and diet. I've had it for years and have it under control through diet, exercise, no stress and no drama! LOL! But I am also retired so it's easy for me to do that.
    Iowa starts back tomorrow and my daughter the teacher was getting her room(s)ready last week. She teaches art at 2 schools.
    That baby is the cutest! 2 new babies from our blogging friends this week! Go grandmas!
    I sure hope you feel better and the RA settles down. Ive had it since 94 and it was bad...steroids, Enbrel and Methotrexate but now I'm not on anything unless I have a flare up but that hasn't happened since last Fall so I'm hoping I've found the secret for me anyway.
    Love your new ear rings and I LOVE LUCY! LOL! I couldn't resist! Have a great week!

  5. I've been hurting too. I have fibromyalgia and the constant rain is killing me but I try to keep going as much as I can. I know it can be hard because you need your hands. I hope it settles down soon for you.

  6. Wow! What a lot of work you have to do to get your classroom set up. Is that how it is for all teachers? I assumed getting a classroom ready meant things like putting together bulletin boards, putting up posters, taking care of the all the many details that getting ready for teaching would obviously entail. I never dreamed teachers have to basically assemble their entire room. Is that the norm for everyone? Does everything get boxed up at the end of a school year only to be brought out again a few months later? Would love to hear more about your teaching.

  7. Well you have done so well with sorting your class room out, well done you are getting there :)

  8. Baby Lucy is adorable! I have crazy hand pains because I am so swollen everywhere :( I feel your pain.
