
Saturday, September 17, 2016

Stash Acquisition Saturday

Ha, another one! Two weeks in a row!  This one I blame on a gift.  I had to buy some yarn for a gift, so bought some for myself.....BUT......I was given the wrong information....and had to buy different yarn...sigh.....but I have more coming in the mailllll

the wrong yarn...'s a picture from the website, the Loopy Ewe

The yarn is a gradient....however the recipient likes purple, not's okay, I can use this....but...sigh.....

So I poked around on the site and ordered a few things for myself....
Not sure I can handle the opposite stripes....I want to be able to....but I'm a matchy-matchy person and these might make me nuts....we'll see......the colors are Peacock Blue and Chartreuse

I've been dying for an oxblood red and saw this Dream in Color Fierce Scarlet...yum!

Think I'm going to pair it with this....
YUM!  Tumbleweed Yarn in Glo Worm....this yarn is super soft!!!!!

And my husband bought me a gift....

Because my yarn goes into bags before being packed away......such a sweetie....

So how about you? Any latest stash acquisition? Please link up....


  1. Nothing new other than clubs...well, I take that back. I did have some yarn come in but it was yesterday and I've not photographed and such. Maybe by next weekend.

  2. V organized with the zip lock bags! I love those two colours you plan on teaming together - I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  3. No new yarns. Leave of Absence = No extra cash! :-(

    Love your yarns. I did a pair of socks with two different colored yarn. I switched yarns at different places on our trip.
