
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 37

Good Tuesday evening!

I have projects I have worked on, but forgot to take update pictures and it's too dark now and I'm too tired to try to move lights around, etc...

Been having some health issues....the upswing is that I've been diagnosed with the beginnings of rheumatoid could be many years before I have it full blown...or I may never develop it full blown, but it is nice to have a plan, and the pain is now being managed.  For the past year, I have been in almost constant pain.  Last summer I climbed a mountain in Norway, this summer I couldn't climb stairs...that is how fast it came on....I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis several years ago, so I've always had some flare-ups, but this year it got very I go back for a re-eval in three months to see how I'm doing and to run some more tests....and oh, I went to my primary doctor and I have a sinus infection.....I had a double ear infection 4 weeks ago, and an injured toe that needed to be dealt I'm ready to try being healthy now....

I have knitted off and on...and a box of yarn came in the mail today.....but I'm just too tired and feeling crappy right hopefully by the weekend....

oh...and it's 25 years with this goofball....


  1. Poor you! Hopefully, you will feel better soon. And: Congratulations and a hug, Regula

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary! Sorry you're dealing with so many health issues, hope you feel much better soon.

  3. Oh my gosh... I dread any type of arthritis. I hope meds help with pain so you can continue knitting :)
    and congrats on 25 years...:)

  4. My mom had the beginnings of arthritis in her knees and I remember her not being able to get up and down our stairs some days. I asked her why the hell she wanted the laundry in the basement, knowing that fact, when we were building our house. ::sigh::

    I suspect it's going to be in my future as well, and I'm not looking forward to it.

    Also, woo for 25 years.

  5. Happy 25 to you and the goofball. I hope you are feeling better and that stupid upstairs classroom isn't too much of a pain.

  6. Happy Anniversary! I hope you feel better:) It sounds like you've been hit with everything at once:(

  7. Poor you - that is rotten. I know Luke really suffers with his joints, but that is not rheumatoid. Happy 25 year anniversary - that is a real celebration!
