
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Stash Acquisition Saturday

Oh my...the other day, I was having a "poor me" day and I really wanted to yarn shop...I did not, but the next day, low and behold, I had a mailbox full!

LB Art Yarn is pulling her Walking Dead inspired yarns for awhile, so I had to order some...and I'd forgotten that I had!

So the top is Maggie, then Terminus, then Mutha-Effing Carol and I Heart Dirty Daryl.....yeah...Mutha-Effing Carol and I Heart Dirty Daryl will be a big ole shawl....
Then I received my Random Fandom from Nerd is now that Knit Night hat...
My two MadColor clubs.....BAMF is Arya this month...
An Elegant Weapon from A Galaxy Far, Far Away
And I bought a Socktober yarn..(I have another version coming from a different dyer)
This is Ghost World from MarigoldJen
My friend Maureen came back from London with some gifts for me!!!!!
She got the same Wollmeise....but she is a much faster knitter than I am!

Cornbread and Honey's August Yarn of the month...

EatKnitDye...It's Not Easy Eating Greens!

This morning I got up to order some yarn for a wedding gift and ordered a few more things for me....;/ those will be coming in soon....

So, I believe those are the only ones that have been hanging around....who knows though?

So if you'd like to play, please link up...thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a fabulous collection of yarns! That's so cool to have a friend bring you stuff back from Loop. I bet the poor me feeling went away after that.
