
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Wrap-Up Friday

Hi ho!  So I have not done one of these in two sorry..I wasn't getting a ton of links, so I think I'll do one every other week...we'll see how it goes...if I don't get links, I'll just drop that feature...I know lots of people post when they finish a project, so they may not link up...

I did finish a project this week...I finished a Knit Night Hat...
I love the brim of this hat!  The yarn was a Nerd Girl Random Fandom I received this is inspired by Stranger Things...I just liked the blues in it...never seen the show....will, just haven't as I don't have Netflix....

So what about you?  What have you finished lately? Please link back, thanks!


  1. I didn't finish a thing this week so I linked what I finished last week.

  2. I finally got around to posting the Gex Sweaters....both of them....only one modeled, however (and he was uncooperative, at best).
