
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Year of Projects: Week 44

Well I haven't posted one of these since week!  So I need to update my list! Since my last update, I have 6 finished projects...the big one was my Stopover sweater, which I love!  I am already planning my next sweater! It was like I had a week in October where it was FINISH ALL THE WIPs...I didn't, of course, let's not go crazy...but I finished a is a link to the post, if you want a gander.

And, of course, I've added a few....two pair of socks, my Autumn Zombies and a pair I started in Vermont with some green Zauberball.....and then I started a simple's my "on-the-go" knitting, which I actually don't take often....I can't knit at work...there is too many other things to do during plan time and it goes fast....and I only have 30 minutes for lunch...and well I eat....I always drive, so no passenger knitting for me....

Yesterday, I decided to tackle this...
I did some organizing....I updated my Stash on Ravelry (I have a few more to do this morning), and organized the bins...I also decided to update my Queue on Ravelry with the projects I have yarn ready for.....I also added some single patterns to my library.....It's still messy, because, honestly, I'm out of room....but it is more organized...but no after picture yet, as it is not finished...I'll finish it up today..and then correct papers (I hate that part of teaching!)

Completed Projects:
The Dork Socks (technically 2015) 12/31/15
Screw You Rainbows socks (1/6/16)
Quick Pink cowl (1/7/16)
Yoda (1/10/16)
Bulky Cowl (1/19/16)
Jacinta Capelet (2/28/16)   
Turtleneck Capelet #2 (3/31/16)     Fortune's Shawlette (7/12/16)   Irish Oak (6/19//16)    2 baby hats (7/27/16) Baby Rattle (8/4/16)   Edgy Carol (8/7/16)
Plastic Bag Holder (8/14/16)
Quick Cowl (10/2/16)
Stopover (10/10/16)
Raspberry Beret (10/14/16)
Glenn Lives (10/16/16)
Quick Pumpkin Hat (10/22/16)
Reyna (10/23/16)

Works In Progress:        WIPS: Crochet:
Round Ripple: (Started 2006 (?) Aiden)
Around the World Afghan: (April 2010): about ¼ done
Sunrise Sunset Afghan: this has been hibernating awhile, 6 squares done.
Tis the Season (11/10/13)
Tabard Tunic (NW Diss 2/1/14)

Learn to Knit Afghan: (started 2010): 3 squares done
Shark in the Woods (11/27/14)
Vanilla fingerless mitts (12/25/15)   Zombie Vixen mitts (10/17/15)
Garter Path Shawlette (5/30/16)
Swinging with Winkle (6/4/16)    
Meandering Top (5/20/16)
Multnomah (8/21/16)

Warm Neck (8/2/16)
Kai-Mei: (April 2012)
Johnny's Socks (Jan 2013)  
Carlos and Arne socks (July 3 2015)
Espalier Socks (Jan 10, 2016)
Live Long and Prosper (4/14/16)
Spring is in the Air (2/16/16)
Autumn Zombie 

Vermont Zaubers

Splashy Flowers: (May 2011)
Larry Stashbuster Scarf (2012)
Light in Shadows (1/14/14)  

Willow Fields (9/6/14) - ran out of yarn
My Shelly Valentine (2/10/16)

Beach Bag: (started May 2010)  Just needs lining sewn in 

Fire and Blood (5/4/14)  
Outlander MKAL (8/8/14)  
Downton Abbey (1/4/15)
Sunflower: (August 2012) Need a back and to felt 
Projects In Mind: Gifts/Charity: 
Hats for friend's babies (ongoing)
Hats for students (ongoing)
Kimberly Skye's tunic
Two Elsa doll/blanket things

Test Pattern Sweater (in magazine)
Car Coat (in magazine)
Cowl Vest
West End Scarf  
Gathering Leaves
Petal Edge Scarf
Filippi Scarf 
Firefly Scarf 
Danube Cowl
Simple City
Fire and Ice
Holden Shawlette
Trellis Shawl
Bedford Springs Shawl
Brush Creek Cowlette  
The Brownstitch gradient
Bigger on the Inside
Out of Gas  
Sweet Potato Twist  
Falling Bobbins 
Danielle Shawl  
The Doodler
Hats and Mitts
Lace Kelly (soakbox)
Isabeau Mitts 
Hermione Hearts Ron
Nehalm Hat
Cabled Headband
Cayunga Hat and Mitts set
Ruffled hat and mitts
Evergreen Gloves
Sheepy Cuffs
Twisted Rib Mitts and Hat   
Transitional Color Mitts
Almond Comfit
Lady Violet's Dinner Gauntlets  
Autumn in Garrison
Baa-ble Hat

Memento Mori
Siren Socks
Savory Lace Socks
Autumn Flame
Rescue Me, Chin Boy and Show Me the Stars
Twin peaks
Wizard of Oz socks
Black Widow's Socks
August Pocus 
Knit From Stash patterns
Dr. Who socks  

Sarape Shopper


  1. Organizing can be so hard but feels so good when it's done.

  2. So nice to have you back with us. Organizing a craft area is so very important. If it is not, then how will we know where anything is. The fact you keep your ravelry pages up to date is admirable. I have never done that and probably should, but............I donate too much yarn to keep tract of what is in and out of my stash. I guess I could keep track of needles and hooks though. I am excited to see our finished photo. I am sure it is going to be lovely also.

  3. Organizing is such a PITA....but oh-so fulfilling when it's finished. And, oddly, when I was teaching, I liked correcting papers. Okay, let's be more specific: I liked correcting math papers, tests, and spelling homework. I didn't like doing the grading for papers...mostly because there were so many things to look for.

  4. I clicked on the link to take a look at your finished WIPs, and WOW! What a lot of prettiness there. :)

    While I find organizing actual inventory to be hard and kind of tedious word, it is so helpful for me in gaining clarity and inspiration for what to work on. OTOH, I kind of enjoy the digital organizing on Ravelry and am coming to realize that in itself is something of a hobby. I must be a bookkeeper at heart. Keep up the good work! It's good to see you again in the YOP thread!

  5. I hate correcting, too. I'm so sad I can't teach that much home economics anymore ... no correcting there. Have a nice Sunday, or what's left of it. I'm going to bed now. :-) Regula

  6. Look at all your finishes? Love your stopover. I did some organisation this week and some marking. The former I love, latter not so much!

  7. Can't wait to see your after picture. I can use it to inspire my own organizing challenges.

  8. When my husband and I gave up our woodcrafts side business (which was when I went from working half-days at a preschool to working full-time again), and my crocheting became my main crafts hobby, my yarn was all relatively neatly arranged in the basement. (We have a split-level house with a basement) Then, 4 years ago, we had the living/dining/kitchen level of the house redone (open concept, baby!) So tons of furniture and boxes were shoved into the basement, blocking access to my yarn (gasp!). So, as I purchased new yarn, I was putting it in a corner of the rec room, where I could actually get to it. So now, even though the basement has been accessible for some time now, my yarn has taken over a big chunk of the rec room as well! I crave your big-box yarn for my charitable knit/crochet group at church. We can use ANY type of yarn for SOME kind of donatable project, down to making pads for cats and dogs in rescues and shelters!

  9. Oh I really like your Stopover. I was actually thinking of that pattern today because I cast on for my Strokkur, also calling for Lopi yarn, and enjoying the feel of the yarn so much I started dreaming of other patterns calling for it o.0

    I am still trying to organize my yarns and pattern books into Ravelry. Honestly it is overwhelming isn't it? I used to have a yarn room but don't any longer so things are even harder to keep track of. And the picture taking egads. I am a terrible yarn picture taker-er. I will follow your progress to maybe pick up some tips to make the task go by more easily.

    The one thing that has helped me honestly has been the stashdown group because we keep track of yardage in and out throughout the year. I am also getting quite a bit accomplished because of the YOPPERS. I feel more inspired to blog and that means I have to have something to blog about :-)

  10. Wow! You have been busy! I love your FO's especially the hat and sweater...gorgeous yarns and finishes! Looks great on you too! I am trying to organize a crafts room and swappin gout some furniture from other rooms etc. It seems I always make a bigger mess to start with before things start looking better. But you need to "unearth" everything before you can start "grouping like things together". Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Good luck and I wish I had that kind of stash! LOL!

  11. Agree with Diannamcheck: "Organizing can be so hard but feels so good when it's done."
