
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 44

Yeah, there is a week skip from last week..somewhere I messed up the weeks...I think...anyway....

How was your week of creating?  I have a couple of cast-ons...remember I mentioned some projects that were time sensitive?  Well, I cast-on a couple...

This is a hat for my nephew....he is the first to go away to college (out of 6 of them so far) and so I am making him a hat in his school colors...Keene State College in New Hampshire....we visited him a few weeks ago....

Didn't finish my socks for this Halloween, but I did cast on the second actually has been quite warm here for wool socks...this weather is absolutely freaky!  It's going to be almost 70 F/21 C for the next two New England!  Just crazy!!!!!  It's been hard to wear woolies, as you are sweating by 10 in the morning....

I was actually home today...I took my first FMLA day...everything on me hurt this morning...even my toe joints and that was a first!  I was achey a bit on Sunday and more on Monday...but I woke this morning and all my joints's better now, but my knees and my fingers still ache....the Hubs said to me last night..."You didn't knit?" and I said, "I hurt too much."  That is not going to be fun to look forward to.....but I'm going to keep track and see if I can figure out possible thing I read was that after an infection, a flareup is a possibility, and since I have been fighting sinus and ear infections since August, I wonder if that contributed to this flare-up.  Or, I read, it could happen after a burst of energy...say, my mad organizing session this weekend? It's all new territory for me. 

But I did start something new today...this (the purple) has been sitting in front of my computer since I bought it...
And I decided a little while ago that it was not meant for me, but for someone else.....and I had a pattern I bought with it...but misplaced....I found the pattern in the cleanup on Saturday/Sunday...and since I will see the recipient next Tuesday...I figured I'd get's too dark now to take a picture, but I'll post a finished pic this Friday or next...I'm sure I'll post progress pics on Instagram...

So, ta ta for now....oh...I will be doing new and upcoming designer profiles...I hope you'll come back for those....


  1. I love the colors of those Halloween socks! Omg! :)

  2. I hope this finds you feeling better.

    The weather's freaky here, too. A good high this time of year is around 70. The highs have all been over 80 for a couple of weeks. Bizarre.

  3. I have been making some leg warmers, I finished one pair and am on the second - Christmas knitting! I love knitting gifts for people but then I never knit anything for myself!
