
Sunday, May 27, 2018

I'm Alive

Hi all, yes, it's been a couple of weeks...
This was my May...and the 21st, I had to attend a Board meeting at 6:00 (lots of changes going on in our district) and on the 24th, I attended the District Wide Student Art Show at 6:30 because I had two students with pieces in the show. And on the 22cd and 23rd, I was home sick with a stomach virus (I was in bed with it the previous Saturday, had to get out of bed on Sunday to attend a confirmation).  It has been an absolutely CRAZY month.....and not only did I not have time to knit or crochet, I didn't have much desire.  I just wanted to sleep. After Field Day on Friday, I came home and took TWO naps! 

But I've also gone to the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool and the Massachusetts Sheep and Wool, with a side trip to WEBS.

So I will catch up with my linkups this week...we have three more weeks of school, but it shouldn't be this crazy...just have to finish correcting things and get my grades in....and then to pack my classroom for the summer.....

I didn't take any pictures at the Mass Sheep and Wool yesterday, but the Hubs took some of the sheep...and some baby goats we met at a roadside stand in Massachusetts.

And cast on a pair of socks while waiting for the Hubs outside of Northampton Wools yesterday
Enjoy the Dance Party from Field Day


  1. Love love love the goat and sheep pics. Just so darn cute!
    Hope June slows down for you. I remember those last few weeks of teaching every year - it seemed endless. Take heart. Summer is coming. Hope you are over the flu and on the mend.

  2. Some of those goats/sheep have very impressive horns.

    I love Webs online. I assume they are 1000 better in their store front.

    Hopefully your days will settle down soon. School is out here .

  3. Glad you were able to have some fun after suffering that virus.

  4. Wow - you have been busy! Most of it sounds good, though. Well, except for the sick days. I imagine you're looking forward to summer and a break from your normal busyness. Those sheep and goats are cute. I confess... I'm not sure (with the exception of one - or maybe two - pictures) which ones are goats and which are sheep).

  5. I am very content with pictures of sheep and goats! Hope the remainder of term is calmer.

  6. So sorry you were sick. It is a marathon for teachers and parents at this time of year. One grand is already out, the others have this next week and then they'll be down here!
    Crazy scheduling depending on the districts here. Good luck and keep 'breathing'! We all appreciate you!
