
Saturday, June 2, 2018

Stash Acquisition Saturday

Haven't done one of these since April 7!!!! And yes, I'm still busy and not blogging regularly.  One of the symptoms of my disease is fatigue and that has been plaguing me all week.  Also end-of-the-year teacher just tired, beyond tired, this week...I took a half day on Thursday, as it was all I coule manage keeping myself upright.  But I had to finish administering some benchmark tests.

So my latest acquisition came in the mail this morning from was a swap package....I joined a swap from a Facebook group and she and I are just being casual about it....this first swap was suppose to happen in February (LOL)
I received a moebius cowl, a bracelet of stitch markers, a cool pair of scissors and this lovely skein of yarn from Hello Parker Fibre Studio.  The label is handwritten, but I think it is a BFL, no color name.  Definitely my colors though!

Last week, we went to the Massachusetts Sheep and Wool.  To be honest, I was a bit underwhelmed this year.  There didn't seem to be too many vendors.  But I did buy some things for my Fibreshare partner and a few other things.
Water by Thea Colman (she has given permission to use her pictures) all money raised is going to Little Miss Flint, an 11 year old that is raising funds for the Flint water crisis.  So when I saw The Periwinkle Sheep was selling yarn for the hat and also donating half the proceeds, I snapped up a skein of their yarn Water
I also found a half skein for heels and a "practice" skein
Although this shows blue, it's a deep purple. It's also 70% merino/30% silk for only $12!!!!
Play at Life had this lovely gradient...again my colors...Called Acid Trail, it's her Skinny Scrumpet yarn which is a 80% merino/10% nylon/10% cashmere combo

We stopped at Webs on the way through.  I wanted to pick up some yarn for baby sweaters and see what they had for 9'/10' needles....

Then just picked up some fun yarn for me (and a skein or two for my Fibreshare partner)
I didn't realize this was a DK until I got home...but still loves it!
I have a white version with colorful flowers.  These flowers all have colorful beads.
I never leave WEBS without some MadTosh! This was in the warehouse..This is Dandelion in the color Conference.....

I also stopped by Northampton Wools and hung out while the Hubs was at the used music store,
Cast on a pair socks with this yarn while I waited for him....
A couple things came in the mail...Two Star Wars inspired yarnz...
And Also With You by The Wool Baron....inspired by May the 4th...(read her explanation)

And finally! Yoda from Must Stash Yarn!!
Okay, going to end this here...too tired to go on.....need a nap.....and this would be a VERY long post if I added all the ones I have bought the past couple of weeks....

In case anyone else wants to play..


  1. I like seeing all of your yarn goodness. I got the Water pattern too. I can’t believe the water situation in Flint is still not fixed.

    No new stash here this week, but seeing that MadTosh makes me want to click over to Jimmy Beans to see what’s on offer.

  2. I spy with my little eye.............lots of yummy yarn. Can't wait to see what it all becomes.
