
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Stash Acquisition Post

Haven't done one in a couple of weeks and have some stash to share....some of it has already been shared in other posts...
This is Malabrigo Arroyo in Sunset for the Beekeeper Cardigan KAL....Such a perfect color for it..looks like a dark honey color....

I stopped in at a LYS that had moved locations and picked up a couple of skeins...
It's Urth Uneek Fingering.  It self stripes, but is also a gradient...Can't wait to see how it works up.
I'm not usually attracted to blues, but this skein intrigued me...It's Araucania Huasco Sock...the lady at the shop was using it, so showed me how it knitted up...not sure what I'm going to do with it yet...maybe a baby sweater...

I already showed the yarns from the recent Shop Hop here and my Fibreshare package here

So I don't think I ever showed my acquisitions from the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool.  I didn't take a ton of pictures...
Natural mohair from Red Cardinal Farm
Fiber Stash Twinkle Toes in Potluck
Worsted in It Never Ends, which I used for my friend's Hope hat
Merino Worsted in Bushel....I plan to use the rest of the pink and this skein to make a cowl for that same friend...
Flying Finn Yarn in Lichen

I bought this...and then had to go back and get some more...
I'm not sure what I'm doing with this, but gosh I love it!!!!

And while I was typing this up...this arrived in the mail..
Nomadic Yarns Self Stripe in Hermione....I bought this for a specific pattern that I fell in love with!
Hermione and Crookshanks

What about you? Any recent stash acquisitions?

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous yarns. I think you have enough to open your own store.
