
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Due Process

So I'm going to write about something that may be triggering for some people....

Chris Hardwick......I believe him....

I've been a fan for several years, having been introduced to him through Wil Wheaton.....

The Metoo movement has done a lot of good, has shown the light on some really nasty people...

I also have had my Metoo moments in life, I'm a woman, most of us first was when I was a child and was molested by a cousin...I was in first grade, he was older......his sister brought me to his room, she was a couple years older than me.....I blocked it out for many, many years and still don't remember the extent of it.....and there were several other incidents with different guys throughout my life.....

But I also think that the Metoo movement needs to have due process.  It is so easy to ruin someone's life through an accusation....

And, because of the history of women not being believed, it seems that everyone's gut is to believe the woman over the man in these accusations....

I've read her statement, I've read his statement, I've read the emails between them.....he specifically states in his final email/text to her that he'd "be a dick" if he didn't let her try to "find herself"  That does not sound like controlling to me.....she continued to plead with him not to break up (and yes I do know about abused women and some of the psychology behind their actions)

she says she has proof, which she has not produced...she has not gone to law enforcement....

He has had several long term girlfriends come out in support of him...

So until there is more than she said/he said....I believe him......

I just needed to say that......and I know I've lost readers over some of my more political posts and if this also loses readers, I'm sorry.....I just feel as if before someone's life and livelihood is blown up, there should be due process...isn't our country's laws built on innocent until proven guilty?


  1. I don't know much about the Chris Hardwick accusation but you do bring up an interesting point. Women have been ignored and belittled and not believed for so long that society is almost having a full-pendulum reverse reaction where anyone that makes an accusation is believed without question. And I agree, there needs to be proper due process. There needed to be due process anyway but that often wasn't the case, but I feel like now we're living in such a "guilty before proven innocent" society, fueled in part by social media, that we need the due process more than ever.

  2. Sadly no. You have to prove that you are innocent. I totally agree with you.
